举办日期 | 2019年05月09日 - 11日 |
展出面积 | 30000平米 |
举办场馆 | 中国进出口商品交易会展馆 |
举办周期 | 1年 |
举办城市 | 广州 |
举办次数 | 第10届 |
所在行业 | 广电传媒 |
执行承办 | 广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司 |
上届展商数 | 待核实 |
上届观众数 | 待核实 |
主办单位:亚洲影剧院联盟协会、广东省对外经济合作企业协会、亚洲娱乐场所业主联盟协会、粤港经贸合作交流促进会 执行承办:广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司 |
主办单位: 亚洲影剧院联盟协会、广东省对外经济合作企业协会、亚洲娱乐场所业主联盟协会、粤港经贸合作交流促进会 Hosted by: Asian Theater & Cinema Association Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation Asian Association of Entertainment Venue Owners GD-HK Economic & Information Exchange Association
承办单位: 广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司 Organized by: Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group
协办单位(拟): 广州电子行业协会 广东省电影行业协会 Co-organized by (pending): Guangzhou Electronic Industrial Association Guangdong Motion Picture Industry Association
特邀采购: 万达院线、广州金逸珠江院线、时代华夏今典院线、浙江星光电影院线、上海大光明院线、 四川太平洋院线、 保利万和电影院线 、上海联和院线、中影星美电影院线、北京新影联、河南奥斯卡院线 、 浙江时代电影院线、华夏联合电影院线、辽宁北方电影院线、江苏幸福蓝海院线、上海联和院线、山东新世纪电影院线、中影南方新干线、 武汉天河电影院线、长城沃美电影院线、 湖南潇湘电影院线、北京红鲤鱼数字院线 、华夏新华大地院线、翼达九州电影院线、山东鲁信电影院线、福建中兴电影院线 、江苏东方电影院线、河北中联电影院线、九州中原院线、中影数字院线、浙江横店电影院
Hosted Buyers (partial list): Wanda Cinemas, Time Antaeus, Zhejiang Star Lights Cinema Chain Co., Ltd., Shanghai Ever Shining Circuit Co., Ltd., Poly Wanhe International Cinema, China Film Stellar Theater Chain, New Film Association, Laoning North Cinema Line Co., Ltd., Omnijoi Theatre Chain, Teem Hoo Films, Hongliyu Cinema, Beijing Yida Jiuzhou Digital Cinema Line Co., Ltd., Beijing Huaxia Xinhua Dadi Theatre Chain Co., Ltd., Luxin Cinema, Zhongxing Theater Chain, HG Entertainment and so on.
Asia Theater & Film—打造影剧院一站式采购平台 Asia Theater & Film—To Create a One-stop Sourcing Platform for Theater 2016年,中国新增影院1612家,新增银幕数量9552块,平均每天新增26块。全国银幕总数高达41179块,超过美国银幕总数39523块,占全球数字银幕155067块的26.56%,成为世界上银幕最多的国家。2016年城市影院观影人次达到13.72亿,同比增长8.89%,年人均观影人次近1人次,与美国、韩国、印度等观影频次多的国家相比,影院还有很大的发展空间。2017年第一季度,中国新增影院589家,新增银幕3418块,平均每天增加银幕37块,继续保持较高的增长速度。 In 2016, China added 1,612 new cinemas, with a total of 9,552 new screens, an average of 26 new ones per day. The total number of Chinese screens is as high as 41,179, surpassing the total of 39,523 in the United States, which accounts for 26.56% of the global digital screen of 155,067. Therefore, China headed a list of screen amounts in the world. The person-time of audiences in urban cinemas reached 1.372 billion in 2016, an increase of 8.89% year-on-year. So to speak, every Chinese people would go to cinema at least one time per year. However, compared with countries such as the United States, South Korea, and India, there are still a lot of development space in Chinese cinemas. More importantly, in the first quarter of 2017, 589 new cinemas was in operation while 3,418 new screens were added with an average 37 screens per day, keeping a quite speedy growth rate.
亚洲影剧院及影视技术博览会作为全球第二大休闲娱乐产业盛会(广州休博会)旗下重要主题展,已成功举办9届,是一场国际性的影剧院盛会。上届展会汇集了200多家来自影视制作、传输、播出、音视频集成、融媒体等品牌厂商,来自全国各地(包括港澳)及海外影视文化公司、电视台、新媒体、院校、教育培训机构、影视摄影器材经销商、微电影商、影视航拍、影剧院设施企业等40000多人莅临展会现场参观采购、交流互动。历届展会USL.lnc、X6DLimited、Strong Westrex,lnc、TK Architects、Burakova、Art Workshop、DVA Architecture、Stagecraft,Spectro Co., Ltd、大丰、夜太阳、浩洋、鸿彩、赛宾、恒润、中锯城、亚中汇达、宏兴、睿立宝莱、维埃科、合裕发、法高、帝柯、精敏、亚十强、启科、祥聚、全控、鸿宇、振翔源、喜尚、大白鲨、盛世国兴、冬慧、凯世光研、艾美斯、汇亚、博客、骏澎、苏茵、皇艺、柏康、富美丽江、凯兰帝、吉荣、百匠、神鹤、双迪、奇耐特、帅康、金阳、恒创宝莱、万昌、塞欧必弗、赫兹、卓远、威视迅达、运发、华南、鸿宇、建奎、友识、雄创、环娱电子、爱跑、利仁、优元、信丰达、悦鹿机械、潘神、展翼、巨屏、玖森、敏华、卡乐福、威够、钛舜、稍息网络、虎爆、恺泰、创宇、合心富等200多家国内外知名企业热情参与。 As a thematic exhibition of China Guangzhou International Leisure & Recreation Expo (GILE), Asia Theater & Cinema has been successfully held for 9 consecutive years, becoming an international exhibition in this field. Asia Theater & Cinema 2018 has gathered over 200 well-known companies at home and abroad as well as over 40,000 visitors, including USL.lnc, X6DLimited, Strong Westrex, lnc, TK Architects, Burakova, Art Workshop, DVA Architecture, Stagecraft, Spectro Co., Ltd, Nightsun, Quinette Greatwall, Hi-shock, Rio Tech Optics, Visionstar, Shenzhen Kezhonglong Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd., Dafeng, Haoyang, Hongcai, Hengrun, Hongxing, Qike, Hongyu, Donghui, Suyin, Bokang, Jirong, Shuangdi, Jinyang, Xiongchuang, Youyuan, Minhua, Chuangyu, etc.
由亚洲影剧院联盟协会、广东省对外经济合作企业协会、亚洲娱乐场所业主联盟协会、粤港经贸合作交流促进会主办,广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司承办的“2019年第10届亚洲影剧院及影视技术博览会”于2019年5月9-11日在广州广交会馆A区举行。预计展览面积30000平方米,展商200家,现场参观采购观众55000人次。 Asia Theater & Cinema 2019 spanning over expected 30,000 m2 and attracting 200 exhibitors as well as 55,000 person-time visitors, will be held at China Import and Export Fair Complex during May 9-11, 2019 with the backings of Asian Theater & Cinema Association, Guangdong Enterprises Association for Foreign Economic Cooperation, Asian Association of Entertainment Venue Owners and Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group.
Asia Theater & Film优势: 01.赢取面对面的商业机遇 06.精准定位您的公司和品牌 02.寻找最合适您的特邀买家 07.确立企业在市场中的地位 03.深度对话行业决策者 08.掌握最新行业动态和脉动 04.巩固老客户关系及结识新客户 09.全面有力地扩展产品和服务 05.有效提升公司品牌及知名度 10.建立广泛的代理和招商网络 Why to Attend? 1. Win face-to-face business opportunities 2. Seek professional buyers 3. Come into contact with business decision makers 4. Maintain existing clients and find new clients 5. Effectively improve brand image & awareness 6. Accurately position your company and brand 7. Grab market shares 8. Get access to the latest industrial development 9. Vigorously expand product and service scope 10. Establish extensive agent and investment attraction network Asia Theater & Film为您寻找最合适、最集中的买家资源: 1、我们将根据休博会所积累的庞大数据库,通过短信、邮件、传真、网络宣传、杂志宣传等方式,向目标观众发出邀请,主要包括: n 全国行业协会、政府官员、影剧院投资公司; n 影剧院工程公司、装饰公司及灯光音响工程公司等; n 影剧院、影视城、少年宫、博物馆、科技馆、图书馆、文化活动中心等; n 3D/4D/5D设备、电影设备、灯光音响等代理商及销售商等; n 演出经纪、演出器材租赁和买卖、舞美设计、演出及礼仪配套相关服务等; n 国内、外演艺娱乐行业经纪公司、影片及唱片投资及合作商等; n 电影学院、艺术学院、表演学院等。 2、组委会通过国际部并协同多个国际机构,盛情邀请美国、日本、德国、法国、英国、意大利、加拿大、韩国、俄罗斯、中东、中国香港、墨西哥、比利时等国家和地区组织采购商到会。 3、组委会共寄出邀请函、请柬、门票、简报等50万张/套。 4、组委会将通过200多家大众媒体、网络媒体、专业媒体及新媒体发布展会信息,吸引采购商到会。 5、在国内外同类展会和关联展会上,向业界推介展会信息,吸引更多专业人士到会。 Asia Theater & Cinema—A Big Gathering of Professional Buyers 1. Invitations are sent to target visitors via SMS, email, fax and other channels. Our target visitors consist of related agents, retailers, associations, government officials, lighting and sound engineering companies, theaters, museums, children palaces, brokerage companies, film investors, academies of arts, etc; 2. Overseas buyers from following countries and areas will be invited: USA, Japan, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, South Korea, Russia, the Middle East, Mexico, Belgium, etc. 3.The Organizing Committee sends out 500,000 invitations, tickets and bulletins. 4. Exhibition information is posted on over 200 media to attract buyers. 5. The Organizing Committee will publicize our exhibition via attending exhibitions of the same or related industries. |
摄、录、制作及拍摄设备:摄像机及镜头、摇臂、手持稳拍器、监视器、云台、导轨、电池、三脚架、直播设备技术、影视特效、后期编辑系统、影片、唱片拍摄特效、影片及唱片制作拍摄器材等相关设备; 高集成化播出、虚拟演播室、直播系统、新闻制作、综艺娱乐、媒资管理、媒体运营、图文创作系统、4K/HD非线性编辑、网络制播系统、教育录播、开发式教育平台、视音频服务终端; Cameras, recordings, production and shooting equipment: cameras and lenses, rocker arms, handheld stabilizers, monitors, batteries, tripods, live broadcast technology, film and television special effects, post-editing systems, movies, record shooting effects, high-integration broadcast, virtual studio, live broadcast system, news production, media asset management, media operations, graphic creation system, 4K/HD nonlinear editing, network system Broadcasting system, educational recording and broadcasting, development education platform, video and audio service terminal;
播放设备:影院放映机、数字电影设备、立体电影设备、还音设备、投影设备、红光还音、功放、放映镜头、 氙灯光源、银幕、舞台幕布、特效设备、售票检票设备、3D/4D/5D眼镜、视频眼镜、VR头盔、VR全景录制机、360全景播放平台、VR全景技术服务等; Theater & cinema players: movie projector, digital film equipment, sound reproduction equipment, projection equipment, power amplifier, showing lens, xenon lamp, projection screen, stage curtain, AFC equipment, video glasses, etc;
移动影院放映设备:车载3D/4D/5D/7D/9D移动影院、家庭3D立体影院、车载移动平板、车载DVD一体机、多媒体流动宣传车、流动舞台车、全自动舞台车等; Projection equipment for mobile theaters & cinemas: 3D/4D/5D/7D/9D mobile theater, 3D home cinema, car DVD, mobile stage vehicle, etc; 影剧院家具及装饰材料:影剧院设计、3D/4D电影震动座椅、电影院椅、礼堂椅、剧院椅、影剧院灯箱、排椅、吸(隔)音材料、装饰材料、空调及通风设备、消防设施等; Furniture & decorative materials: theater & cinema design, cinema chair, auditorium chair, theater chair, row chair, sound absorption materials, decoration materials, air conditioning and ventilation equipment, fire fighting facilities, etc;
专业灯光及音频:演播室录音室照明、影视灯、专业灯光音响设备及照明、LED、舞台显示屏、LED舞台背景、舞台机械、声光烟雾特效、扬声器、PC音频系统、传输电缆、3D音频系统、会议系统等; Professional lighting and audio: studio lighting, video lighting, professional lighting and audio equipment,LED, stage display, LED stage background, stage machinery, sound and light smoke effects, speakers, PC audio system, transmission cable, 3D audio System, conference system, etc.;
影剧院服务周边:休闲食品机器(爆米花机器,爆米花保温柜,棉花糖机,热狗肠机)、休闲食品、饮料、自助售票设备、自助消费产品等 Related services: leisure food machine (popcorn machine, popcorn insulation ark, cotton candy machine, hot dogs bowel machine), snack food, drinks, etc;
其他服务:影视器材租赁、航拍无人机、光学器材、影视基地、影棚、影视道具等 Others: film and television equipment rental, aerial drones, optical equipment, film and television bases, studios, film and television props, etc. |
【Asia Theater & Film 展位费用】
【Asia Theater & Film 联系方式】 地 址: 广州市海珠区新港东路1000号1812房 电 话:020-36657000/36657008 邮 箱:1558788482@qq.com 联系人:邱康益 电话:15989170995 |
展会官网:http://www.gtcff.com |