
thermik总代理 thermik LK1 060.05.0300/0300温控开关

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  • thermik品牌
  • LK1 060.05.0300/0300型号
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LK1 060.05 德国thermik LK1 060.05.0300/0300 【详细说明】

Contact type: normally closed

Nominal switching temperature (NST) in steps of 5 °C:

60 °C - 200 °C

Standard tolerance: ± 5K

Reset temperature range below NST (UL / CSA):

-35 K ± 15 K

Operating voltage … AC / DC - available,

values on inquiry: up to 500 V ~

Rated voltage UAC: 250 V (VDE) 277 V (UL)

Rated current AC cos φ = 1.0 (ohmic load) / switching cycles:

2.5 A / 10,000

6.3 A / 3,000

7.5 A / 300

Rated current AC cos φ = 0.6 acc. to IEC 60730-2-9 / switching cycles:

1.6 A / 10,000

Rated current AC cos φ = 0.4 - 0.5 acc. to IEC 60730-2-3 / switching cycles:

1.8 A / 10,000

Max. switching current at 250V ~ / cos φ = 0.4 - 0.5 / switching cycles:

7.2 A / 1,000

Contact bounce time: <1 ms

Contact resistance (acc. to MIL-Std. R 5757): <50 mΩ

Impregnation resistance with- or without resin

(acc. to requirements)*: suitable

Vibration proof at 10 … 60 Hz: 100 m/s2

Pressure stability of housing *: 450 N

Suitable for protection class I or II: suitable

Standard wiring connection: lead wire 0.25 mm2 / AWG22

Diameter ?d [mm]: 10.0 mm

Heigth h [mm]: 8.3 mm

Screw / -length: M4 / 5.0 mm

Wrench size / max. turning moment: 10.0 mm / 2 Nm

Approvals available (according to design): IEC; ENEC; VDE; UL; CSA; CQC

欢迎来到上海坦泼秋尔电器科技有限公司网站, 具体地址是上海市普陀区石泉路街道上海市普陀区华池路58弄5号楼10室,老板是沈嘉芝。 联系电话是186-21697828,联系手机是15900635274,主要经营德国特密克 Thermik 品牌介绍:德国THERMIK公司生产的PTC热敏电阻和热保护器是1968年开发成功的稳定产品,在国际市场上享有盛名,被公认为是保护电机、变压器、镇流器、电动工具等的***选择。THERMIK公司生产的温度开关(热保护器)其特点是体积小、可耐特高的机械应力阻力、高度耐震、稳定性特长等特点;。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 5000万 - 1亿元。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决***价格战,坚持用优的原材料及***的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。

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