New material developed for short run soldering pallets
Good performances at standard temperatures 300°C
Dissipative material with guaranteed values. Surface resistivity 10E5
to 10E9 Ohm/Square
Low deformation
Excellent dimensional stability : good mechanical characteristics
Good machinability
Description :
CDM ESD 68910 has been especially developed for short run soldering pallets. This
competitive material presents very satisfactory technical values with high economical
CDM 68910 is a composite material made of glass mat, combined with a high
mechanical resistance resin system.
Static electricity phenomenon and electrostatic discharges (ESD) damages electronic
circuit and their components every day. To use CDM ESD will allow charges to move
slowly out the circuit and will ensure the quality of the production. CDM ESD product
has guaranteed dissipative characteristics.
The CDM range of products exhibits higher mechanical and resistance properties as
standard composite materials.
The random glass mat substrate present in the CDM ESD 68910 minimizes
delaminations problems during machining or pallet use;
The relative low thermal conductivity in the CDM materials allows a rapid pallet
turnaround eliminating most of the time both the necessity to provide a cooling station
and the heat sink effect experienced in the metallic pallet.
CDM materials can substitute metallic solder frame (or other materials) with great
Flux resistance is depending on composition PH level. Highly acid as well as basic
fluxes often require a regular cleaning of remaining powder s in order to preserve the
stability of CDM material.
Due to the high fibreglass content, machining is recommended with carbide or
diamonds tooling. Precise machining with very accurate tolerances can be achieved by
experts in the conception and machining of pallets.