
好东方替代Power Beads大功率储能芯片主板电感VLB10050HT-R15M

  • 大电流功率产品特性
  • 保护应用范围
  • 固定电感种类
广东 深圳 30天内发货 400000PCS
深圳市好东方新能源环保有限公司 4年
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SMT Power InductorsPower Beads - PA051XNL, PA121XNL, PA151XNL Series1Current Rating:Over 70ApkInductance Range:72nH to 470nHFour Package Sizes:  PA0512/PA1212:7.0 x 7.0 x 4.96mm MaxPA0511/PA1211:10.2 x 7.0 x 4.96mm Max PA0515:11.2 x 11.2 x9.0mm Max PA0513/PA1513:13.5 x 13.0 x 8.0mm MaxElectrical Specifications @ 25°C - Operating Temperature -40°C to +130°C7,8Part NumberInductance@ 0ADC(nH±20%)Inductance@ Irated(nHTYP)Irated1(ADC)DCR2(mΩ)Saturation Current3(TYP)Heating4Current (A TYP)25°C100°CPA0512.700NLT7272315845PA0512.101NLT105102310.32±9.4%463831PA0512.151NLT150134243024PA1212.700NLT7272315845PA1212.101NLT105102310.46±6.5%463831PA1212.151NLT150134243024PA0511.850NLT85853170+70PA0511.900NLT100100317065PA0511.101NLT120120310.39±7.7%524231PA0511.151NLT155150314036PA0511.221NLT220176253325PA1211.850NLT *85853170+70PA1211.900NLT *100100317065PA1211.101NLT120120310.55±7.3%524231PA1211.151NLT155150314036PA1211.221NLT220176253325PA0515.221NLT225225356859PA0515.271NLT270280355044PA0515.321NLT325325354336PA0515.471NLT4703802330230.63±9.5%PA

SMT Power InductorsPower Beads - PA051XNL, PA121XNL, PA151XNL Series2Electrical Specifications @ 25°C - Operating Temperature -40°C to +130°C7,8Part NumberInductance@ 0ADC(nH±20%)Inductance@ Irated(nHTYP)Irated1(ADC)DCR2(mΩ)Saturation Current3(TYP)Heating4Current (A TYP)25°C100°CPA0513.211NLT210210457164PA0513.261NLT260260456055PA0513.321NLT320285415045PA0513.441NLT440363303530PA1513.211NLT210210457164PA1513.261NLT260260456055PA1513.321NLT320285415045PA1513.441NLT440363303530Notes:1. The rated current as listed is either the saturation current or the heating currentdepending on which value is lower.2. The nominal DCR tolerance is by design. The nominal DCR is measured from pointa to point b , as shown below on the mechanical drawing.3. The saturation current is the typical current which causes the inductance to dropby 20% at the stated ambient temperatures (25°C and 100°C).This current is determined by placing the component in the specified ambient environment and applying a short duration pulse current (to eliminate self-heating effects) to the component.4. The heating current is the DC current which causes the part temperature to increase byapproximately 40°C. This current is determined by soldering the component on a typical application PCB, and then applying the current to the device for 30 minutes without any forced air cooling.PA0513NL and PA1513NL - 13.5mm x 13.0mm x 8.0mm Max0.32±9.4%0.53±11.3%45455. In high volt*time applications, additional heating in the com0512NL and PA1212NL - 7.0mm x 7.0mm x 4.96mm MaxPA0511NL and PA1211NL - 10.2mm x 7.0mm x 4.96mm MaxPA0515NL - 11.2mm x 11.2mm x 9.0mm

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