
新 疆移动房屋 集装箱 工地彩板房 网红大风车 外墙装饰装修

  • 防水防潮产品特性
  • 1不透水性
  • 1断裂伸长率
辽宁 大连 3天内发货 200000平方米
大连顺嘉建材科技有限公司 1年
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金爵士®挂板采用国际上公认的环保有机锡配方 ,不含铅类有毒的物质 ,对人体无害 ,废旧料可回收利用。

·Golden Knight ®  siding adopts the internationally accepted environment-friendly organic tin formula. free of toxic substance containing lead and non-harmful to body; its waste materials can be recycled﹒

·长期耐候 ,使用寿命长 ,提供50年质量***。采用***的双层共挤技术 ,面层全部采用国外进口的色母料 ,钛白粉及其它加工助 剂和优质PVC原料 ,使面层耐磨 ,*** ,色彩稳定 ,不易褪色。而基层加入性能优异的进口抗冲击加工助剂 ,使产品具有很好的 柔韧性和抗冲击性。***的共挤技术及优质的原材料 ,使产品从质量性能到综合成本达到***化设计。

·Long durability and 50 year product warranty﹒ Besides the advanced double-layer co-extrusion technique. use the imported color masterbatch. titanium dioxide powder. processing aids and high-quality PVC materials for facing so as to make facing wear-resistant. aging-resistant and not fading in color﹒ The imported impact-resistant processing aid of superior performance is added to the substrate so that the product has good flexibility and impact resistance﹒ The advanced co-extrusion technique and high-quality raw materials secure the product to attain optimal design in quality. performance and cost﹒

·耐腐蚀 ,易清洗 :挂板本身防水 ,抗酸碱 ,不开裂 ,如落灰尘 ,可经雨水自然冲刷 ,或用水管喷洗即可除尘。如有污垢 ,可用淡 肥皂水擦拭即可除掉 ,清洗后的挂板*** ,保持永远清新。

·Corrosion resistant. easy to clean up: the siding is water-resistant. acid-alkali resistant. won's peel or flake﹒ lf the siding gets dirty. a heavy rain will clean it. or it's possible to wash it down with an ordinary garden hose﹒ lf there is stain on the siding. use

soapsuds to wash it down﹒ The color of the cleaned siding will never fade﹒

●独特的锁扣结构 ,足够的钉孔强度 ,使挂板与挂板间连接牢固。

●Unique locking system and sufficient nailing strength engages panels securely﹒

●低维修 :挂板不腐烂 ,不需涂色 ,色彩长年如新。

●Low maintenance: panels neither rot nor need painting; color lasts for years﹒

●施工简单 ,快捷 ,费用低。对基面要求低 ,干作业 ,受气候限制条件少 ,可四季施工。 ●The siding is easy to install at low expense﹒ The requirement on foundation is low. dry construction is used. and the siding can be installed in any season with few climate restrictions﹒

●综合成本低 ,并且如与保温材料结合系统使用 ,能达到防止墙体开裂 ,渗水。

●Synthetic cost is low﹒ lf the siding is used with insulation materials. it can prevent the crack or water infiltration in wall﹒

●防火等级 :达到B1级      ●Fire resistance: Class B1

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