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产品介绍 |
FASTSTEELSteel-ReinforcedEpoxy Putty Stick Faststeel速成钢是一种钢加强型修补剂,可对钢、铁、铝等金属的容器、管道和一些零部件上出现的漏孔、裂缝、砂眼、缺陷、断裂、损坏等进行填充与粘接。此外PSI(速成钢)堵漏修补胶棒还可以制作、复制零件、模型、样板、修补剥落的螺纹及作为螺母、螺栓紧固后的固定、密封和其他各种形式的安装固定等。 PSI(速成钢)堵漏胶棒粘合力优异,固化后强度好、不收缩、不锈蚀,可以和被修补的本体材料进行机械加工。 主要用于修理铸铁与不锈钢件。修复铸造缺陷、填补裂缝、孔洞;制作螺母、螺钉,修复磨损的螺纹;用于金属设备、工具、管道、器具和汽车车身的维修;固化后不收缩,不生锈;固化后的颜色为灰色,有金属光泽。
FastSteelEpoxy Putty Stick is a hand-kneadable, fast-setting, industrial-strength, steel-reinforced polymer compound for permanent repairs to anything made of steel or other metals. This metal repair epoxy putty comes in a handy "Tootsie-roll®" form with the curing agent encapsulated in the contrasting color base material FastSteel has a 3 to 5 minute worklife. Functional cure occurs in 60 minutes. Cured color is steel grey. FastSteel is not intended for structural applications.
B nefits: Will not shrink or rust. Putty-like consistency eliminates drips and runs for a "no mess" application. No tools required for use. One hour after application can be drilled, sawed, sanded, filed, tapped, machined, andpainted Certified to Standard 61 by The National Sanitation Foundation for use in contact with drinking water. |
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关于美国PSi 普施公司 |
美国普施公司( Polymeric,systems,Inc)产品,除能用来修补和固定,还可用来制作:工厂、家中或汽车上各种容器和管路可能碰到的跑、冒、滴、漏;省去一些您非得用钉枪才能安装的麻烦;还可以制做样件或找不到的零件;补已锈蚀或磨损的部分,您有什么样的想象力,就会发现它有什么样的用途。 Polymeric Systems is a leading manufacturer of specialtyadhesivesandsealantsfor the commercial construction industry, industrial/OEM applications and the DIY market. Our unique, innovative,environmentally friendly productshelp customers in over 45 countries to seal, repair, rebuild and restore almost everything!
We are also a manufacturer's manufacturer: we cantoll manufactureyour product or increase your product line bycustom-packaging our private-label products. High-shear mixing of highly viscous materials is one of our specialties.
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