镭射烫金纸(电化铝)、素面烫金纸、 拉丝烫金纸、镜面烫金纸、粉箔,按烫印材料不同具体分类为:
1、烟包盒、 酒盒 、贺卡、 标签(酒类)、化妆品盒、 药品盒
2、电器类(如:DVD、 VCD 、组合音响 、透明面板)或大幅面
3、ABS 、PS 、PVC、(圆珠笔、铅笔、钟表面)
4、PP 、PS、PVC 、OPP、纸张
5、布料 织物
6、ABS、 PS、 PVC、色带 (如:食品、药品等包装)
7、木材 、竹类(如 扇子、饰品)
8、亚加力、PS、饰品 (如:人造钻石)
Stamping experts, to provide you with systematic support products and services
We have more than one thousand kinds of hot stamping foil- ordinary hot-stamping foil, laser foil, drawing foil, optical foil, color foil.
According to different specific hot stamping materials classified as:
1.Packets of cigarettes, wine packaging, greeting cards, labels, drug packaging.
2. Cosmetics packaging, household appliances plastic panel.
3. Ordinary ABS, PS, PVC plastic
4. Ordinary PP, PE, PC, nylon.
5. Fabric hot stamping foil.
6. Food, medicine printing ribbons.
7. Wood, bamboo.
8. Transparent jewelry with double-sided hot stamping foil.
9, Clothing leather industry hot stamping foil.