
IC800BIK040 美国GE IC800BPK012

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  • IC800BIK040 美国GE IC800BPK012型号
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IC800BIK040 美国GE IC800BPK012


连接器允许即时数据处理。通过将RXi模块化 IPC与采用新的多点触控技术的新型RXi面板显示器配对使用,


高性能控制、集成 PROFINET、智能显示器模块和紧凑外形的独特组合,使RXi控制器从同类产品中脱颖




美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC108 Cage-clamp (screw) style I/O plug, 8-terminal. (Qty 10) Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC112 Cage-clamp (screw) style I/O plug, 12-terminal. (Qty 10) Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC114 Cage-clamp (screw) style I/O plug, 14-terminal. (Qty 10) Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC116 Cage-clamp (screw) style I/O plug, 16-terminal. (Qty 10) Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC119 Cage-clamp (screw) style I/O plug, 19-terminal. (Qty 10) Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC512 DIN-rail mount Terminal Block, 12-pin. Compatible with most SmartStac k Analog I/O. Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800ACC519 DIN-rail mount Terminal Block, 19-pin. Compatible with most SmartStac k Digital I/O. Allows SmartStack I/O to be terminated on panel backp late as an alternative to direct SmartStack termination on panel door. Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL012 I/O Extension Cable, 12-pin, 0.5m. For use in conjunction with TRM512 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL019 I/O Extension Cable, 19-pin, 0.5m. For use in conjunction with TRM519 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL112 I/O Extension Cable, 12-pin, 1.0m. For use in conjunction with TRM512 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL119 I/O Extension Cable, 19-pin, 1.0m. For use in conjunction with TRM519 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL126 Shielded Distribution Cable, 26-pin, 1.0m. For use in conjunction wit h DST935 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL212 I/O Extension Cable, 12-pin, 2.0m. For use in conjunction with TRM512 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800CBL219 I/O Extension Cable, 19-pin, 2.0m. For use in conjunction with TRM519 Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC HE800DST935 Distribution Adapter for DIQ935. Connects to DIQ935, converting high density D-sub connections to IDC style connections. Provides 4 26-pin IDC connections, each connection supporting 16 inputs or 16 outputs. Horner Products Controllers & IO Accessories

美国(GE) PLC 300B0031-R0.0 Operator Control Station (OCS) Horner Products Controllers & IO Horner OCS

美国(GE) PLC 300B0033 Operator Control Station (OCS) Horner Products Controllers & IO Horner OCS

美国(GE) PLC 300B0033-R0.0 Operator Control Station (OCS) Horner Products Controllers & IO Horner OCS

美国(GE) PLC GFK-1601 User Manual-Smart Stack I/O Supplement Horner Products Controllers & IO Horner OCS

美国(GE) PLC GFK-1631 User Manual-OCS100, OCS200, OCS250, RCS Horner Products Controllers & IO Horner OCS

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