无 毒食品级可以封罐机润滑油,作为***CSL的俗称,是一种高性能的用于高速发展的食品机械润滑脂矫直机在”干净“的行业,如食品,饮料,制药和个人护理无 弓形虫的食品级产品。缝机润滑油NSF H1注册偶尔与食品接触可能会出现的情况下使用。无弓形虫的食品级润滑剂是白色的,俗气的,无臭,无味,耐腐蚀,防水缝机。
No-Tox Food Grade Can Seamer Lubricant, commonly known as No-Tox CSL, is a high performance food machinery grease developed for use on high speed can seamers found in the “clean” industries such as food, beverage, pharmaceutical and personal care products. No-Tox Food Grade Can Seamer Lubricant is NSF H1 registered for use where incidental food contact may occur. No-Tox Food Grade Can Seamer Lubricant is white in color, tacky, odorless, tasteless, corrosion resistant and waterproof.