Delfin德风 ZEFIRO75 吸除固体物质,液体和灰尘的工业吸尘器
型号 | | ZEFIRO 75 |
电源电压 Voltage | 伏/赫兹 | 230 – 400 /50 265 – 400 /60 |
功率 Power | 千瓦/马力 | 3 / 4 |
真空气压* Max Vacuum Rate | 毫米水柱 | 3000 |
排风量** Max Air Flow | 立方米/小时 | 350 |
过滤网面积 Filter Surface | 平方厘米 | 20.000 |
过滤网种类 Standard filter efficiency | 级别/ 微米 | L / G 3 |
过滤网透风量 Air load on filter | 立方米/平方米 /小时 | 175 |
集尘箱容积 Capacity | 升 | 75 |
吸尘口 Suction inlet | ∅ | 80 |
噪音度 Noise level | 分贝 | 75 |
保护级别 Protection | 级别 | 55 |
绝缘 Insulation | 级别 | F |
尺寸(长-宽) Dimensions | 厘米 | 62 x 62 |
高度 Height | 厘米 | 160 |
重量 Weight | 公斤 | 90 |
*关闭吸尘口测量 Measured with fully closed suction inlet
** 打开吸尘口测量 Measured with fully open suction inlet
干湿两用配套件 wet&dry kit:
吸尘系统 Suction unit
吸尘系统是旁路鼓风马达,是由风扇和马达轴直联而成,没有传输装置。机器的维修非常方便,可以24 小时高强度作业,操作时噪音低,性能优。当机器过热时会自动切断电源,停止工作。控制板上有一个开关(IP65),一个紧急关闭开关按钮。真空指示器会不停地监视吸尘过程,避免堵塞或异常。
The suction is provided by a suction unit of the side channel blower type, with direct coupling between the fan and the motor shaft and no transmission system. It is thus completely maintenance free, fit for round-the-clock 24 hours duty, very silent and provides outstanding suction performances; a safety thermic switch cuts off the motor in case of overheating The control board includes a switch (protection IP65), and a safety emergency stop button. A vacuum indicator enables constant checking of the suction performance, and to detect possible clogging of the filter.
过滤系统 Filter unit
由聚酯制成的过滤网安装和保护在钢铁过滤桶里,以口袋形状裁剪,从而增加了过滤网的表面(20000 cm2)并且具有高过滤功效(3 微米)。手动震尘器使用户上下摇动来清洁过滤网,让大部分灰尘掉落保持过滤网干净,这样能够延长它的使用寿命和确保吸尘功效。前部铝质以印模压铸的吸尘接口(直径80 毫米)放置在过滤网下面,因此不用取出或更换过滤网就可以同时灰尘和固体、液体等物质(后者只能在集尘箱容积的范围之内)。
The filter is placed and protected inside the steel filter chamber; the filter is made of polyester, tailored with pockets in order to increase the filter surface (20.000 cm2), and has a high filtration efficiency (3 micron). A manual filter shaker enables the user to clean the filter efficiently, by a vertical shaking movement, so as to detach most of the dust and maintain the filter clean, in order to increase its life and maintain the suction performance of the machine. The frontal aluminium die-cast suction inlet (Ø80 mm. diameter), placed below the filter, makes it possible to vacuum at the same time dust, solid and liquid material (the latter only within the capacity of the container), with no need to change or take out the filter.
集尘系统 Collection unit
被吸的物质都落在带轮子的集尘箱里(75 升),从而可以方便安全处理被吸的物质。如果需要,可以直接收集到垃圾袋里。
The vacuumed material is placed inside a drop-down bin mounted on wheels (75 litres capacity), which makes it possible to dispose easily and safely of the sucked material, if need be collecting it directly into a plastic bag.
The vacuum is mounted on a sturdy steel chassis with two pivoting wheels, one of which with brakes; all metal parts of the vacuum are epoxy painted.