江门临时移动铁马护栏 东莞临时安全护栏网 仓库隔离网厂家***格 施工临时围挡 活动围栏隔离网
三亚道路交通铁马 文昌临时移动护栏 出口标准不锈钢护栏隔离栅
All screws used are automatic anti-theft. The spare parts can also be made according to the customer's requirements.
防腐形式:电镀、热镀、喷塑、 其优点防腐、防老化、抗晒、耐候。
Anti corrosion form: electroplating, hot plating, plastic spraying, its advantages of anti-corrosion, anti-aging, anti sun, weather.
Advantages: the mesh is relatively small, and the base can be based on the width of the mesh.
***lation angle and flexible mobile connection, the overall guardrail is very stable after connection.