
Passive Orange Маркер шаровой Marker Ball

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  • 深圳产地
广东 深圳 5天内发货 500000片
深圳市华翔天诚科技有限公司 6年
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145.7 Khz球型给水电子标识器 无ID版|ID版圆球形自来水管道定位器


ED1500 Underground Electronic Marker have two models(ID or Non ID). It consists of a sealed shell containing a passive antenna - a low-frequency resonance circuit tuned to a certain frequency. The ID version integrates an ID chip. Depending on the resonant frequency and the color, the ED1500 are used to mark a wide range of underground facilities, such as telecommunication lines, power supply networks, cable television networks, water supply pipelines, wastewater networks, oil and gas pipelines, and so on.



 ED1500 can be installed at a certain interval, or at the turning of changing trend and at some event points, such as connection points, valves, well covers, T-shaped branches, etc. According to the project importance and project budget, the instralling density can vary from several meters to tens of meters, usually 10-20 meters.

· Pipeline path

· Nonmetallic pipe

· Various valves

· Metering meter

· Various crossing points

· Tee · Depth change

· Pressure reducing device

· Cathodic protection

· Pressure control point

· Embedded reserved port

· Various elbows

· Pipe diameter change

· Water well · Cover

· Maintenance point



3.1. Physical Characteristics

· Shell: HDPE

· weight:400g±10%

· Case diameter - 4.7in (120mm)

3.2. Environmental characteristics

· Working temperature: - 20 ℃ - 50 ℃

· Storage temperature: - 20 ℃ - 70 ℃

· Drop test: it can withstand the drop from 5feet (about 1.5 meters) to the concrete floor

· Waterproof and dustproof: IP68

      · Compression capacity: after bearing 5kN axial pressure (uniform pressure), the product has no permanent damage, crack and leakage, and its electronic function has no damage

3.3. Electrical Characteristics

· Maximum placement depth - up to 4.9ft (1.5m)·

· Global Unique ID code(ID Version): 10 digits

· ID reading distance(ID Version): 4ft(1.25m)

 · The sphere is filled with antifreeze, and the induction coil is suspended on the antifreeze, which can be kept horizontal and upward

· Compatible locator: ED8000, 3M Dynatel(Analog mode)

· Frequency (customizable):

       Power 169.8khz

Water 145.7 kHz

Sanitary 121.6 kHz

Telecom 101.4 kHz

Gas 83 kHz

           Cable TV 77 kHz

         General 66.35 kHz

4、  Installing The Marker

 · Place the marker on nonmetal cable

· Place a minimum of 4 inches (10 cm) of fill dirt over the cable with metal (Including shielded cable, Coaxial cable etc.)


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