
5962R9468002V2A石家庄放大器 鸿科伟业现货

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  • 军工用途
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SN54LS123-SP (正在供货)



These d-c triggered multivibrators feature output pulse-duration control by three methods. The basic pulse time is programmed by selection of external resistance and capacitance values (see typical application data). The '122 and 'LS122 have internal timing resistors that allow the circuits to be used with only an external capacitor, if so desired. Once triggered, the basic pulse duration may be extended by retriggering the gated low-level-active (A) or high-level-active (B) inputs, or be reduced by use of the overriding clear. Figure 1 illustrates pulse control by retriggering and early clear.

The 'LS122 and 'LS123 are provided enough Schmitt hysteresis to ensure jitter-free triggering from the B input with transition rates as slow as 0.1 millivolt per nanosecond.

The Rint is nominally 10 k for '122 and 'LS122.

 5962-7603901VEA 特性

  • D-C Triggered from Active-High or Active-Low Gated Logic Inputs

  • Retriggerable for Very Long Output Pulses, Up to *** Duty Cycle

  • Overriding Clear Terminates Output Pulse

  • '122 and 'LS122 Have Internal Timing Resistors


XC6VSX475T-1FFG1156I  全新进口原装***订货



这款加速度计将传感器和经信号调理的电压输出集成在一个单片IC上。满量程加速度测量范围为±5 g,既可以测量动态加速度(例如振动),也可以测量静态加速度(例如重力)。

典型本底噪声为110 μg/√Hz,因而在倾斜检测应用中,可以利用窄带宽(<60 Hz)解析1 mg(0.06°倾斜)以下的信号。

用户使用XOUT和YOUT引脚上的电容 CX 和 CY 选择该加速度计的带宽。根据应用需要,可以选择0.5 Hz至2.5 kHz范围内的带宽。

ADXL206提供13 mm × 8 mm × 2 mm、8引脚侧面钎焊陶瓷双列直插式封装(SBDIP)。


  • 地质勘探倾斜和振动测量

  • 极高温度工业产品

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