工厂直销led灯带灯条 |
三年质保 进口灯珠 LED灯带生产厂家 工厂直销 12V灯带 产品名称:LED灯带 产品型号:SMD5050_12V_60灯 LED灯数:60灯/M LED灯带颜色:单色(冷白,正白,暖白,红色,绿色,蓝色,黄色,粉红,紫色) 采用芯片:台湾新世纪,可提供芯片证书 广泛应用于宾馆、KTV、酒店、写字楼、医院、商场等场所。 温馨提示:在儿童房以及容易触及到LED灯带的情况下,请做好防护措施,确保安全。 |
LED 12V 灯带产品参数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
led灯带的特性 |
产品特性: 1、采用超薄FPC为基板,可随意弯曲,可任意固定在凹凸面上体积小巧,颜色丰富。 2、每三个LED可以分为一段,软性印刷电路板,可根据使用长度要求,在每单元之间切线处随意剪断或连接,均能正常工作。每卷最多5米,超出部分应并联连接电源。 3、使用DC 12V安全电源,***。背面带双面胶,用于粘贴,体积小,安装方便,可撕开保护层贴在任何地方。 4、超小尺寸,宽度仅8-12mm,每卷标准长度10m,静电袋包装。 5、使用寿命长,大于50000小时。 6、防水型SMD软灯条,防护等级高达IP65,完全满足室内、外亮化光源安装使用标准。 Featues: 1、The ultra-thin FPC as the substrate, can arbitrarily curved, small size, can be arbitrary fixed to the concave and convex surface color is rich. 2、Each LED can be divided into three segments and flexible printed circuit board, can be used according to the length of the request, the tangent point between each unit optional cut or connection, all can work up to 5 meters per roll, beyond the part should be connected in parallel power supply. 3、Use safe DC 12 v power supply, safe and reliable with double-sided adhesive on the back, used to paste, small volume, convenient installation, can be torn cover posted anywhere. 4、Super small size, the widths of 8-12 mm, standard length 5 m per roll, electrostatic bag packing. 5、Service life is long, more than 50000 hours. 6、Waterproof model SMD soft article lamp, protection grade up to IP65, fully meet the indoor outside lighting light source using a standard installation. |
led灯带的应用 |
产品应用: 1、户外照明:外缘照明、装饰建筑物装饰照明、标志照明、指示牌、用于路径和轮廓标志、水下工程照明; 2、广告招牌:广告字的背光源、超薄灯箱、发光字、发光招牌等; 3、室内装饰:***专卖店、商场等室内商业气氛照明,汽车装饰、走廊照明、楼梯照明、隐藏位置照明、家居装饰照明、室内暗槽、橱窗装饰等。 Application: 1、Outdoor lighting: lighting to the outer decoration building decorative lighting sign lighting lighting signs used to mark paths and contour underwater engineering. 2、Advertising signs, advertising word back ultra-thin light box lighting word luminous signs, etc. 3、Interior decoration: high-end boutique stores of indoor lighting, commercial atmosphere of cars decorated corridor lighting home decoration lighting indoor stair illumination hidden position dark slot window decoration, etc. 注意事项: 1、电源线粗细应该根据实际可能出现的电流,产品功率布线长度(建议不要超过10m)以及低压传输线损而定。 2、灯带两端出线处应做好防水处理。 3、严禁静电触摸,带电作业。 4、本灯带最多可以串接10m,严禁超串接。 5、建议使用合格的开关电源(带短路保护,过低保护,超载保护)。 6、本产品可在带有“剪刀口”符号的链接处剪开,不影响其功能。 |