人们对监测物体位置的传感功能的需求越来越大。 AKM已经开发了一个三轴磁传感器,能够检测X、Y和Z的磁信号,允许实时分析磁矢量。低功耗、16位精度和大量程使这项技术成为AR/VR游戏、监控摄像头定位、真无线立体声(TWS)、智能家居、智能锁和门/窗开/关检测的理想选择。 这项技术也可用于智能手机、平板电脑和电视的滚动或折叠屏幕的角度检测,以及弹出式摄像头的位置检测。
我们建议使用AKM的3D (三轴) 磁传感器IC来解决旋转角度检测、行程检测和3D位置检测等相关的各种问题。
Switch Cube
Rotation and Push Interface
Hand Motion Controller
Folding Angle Detection
增强现实/虚拟现实(AR / VR)设备,可穿戴设备,磁性金属颗粒测试仪,磁性映射。
High Precision Tri-axis Magnetic Sensor
Conventional tri-axis magnetic sensors have been used for position tracking applications. However, there are cases when sufficient performance is not possible due to magnetic field noise. World class ultra-low noise tri-axis sensing from the AK09940 resolves this problem, increasing magnetic position tracking accuracy for AR and VR.
The AK09940 is ideal for magnetic particle testing and metal contamination detection with triaxial magnetic measuring, which measures wet field, small changes, and distortion in magnetic-fields with high precision. In addition, the AK09940 has very low power consumption current suitable for triaxial measurement in wearable and IoT devices with small batteries.
AK09940A is a digital output ultra-compact 3-axis electronic magnetometer that uses TMR magnetic sensor elements to achieve world-class ultra-low noise performance.
The magnetic field vector is output as an 18-bit digital value for each of the X, Y, and Z axes.
Metal flaw or metal foreign object detection, as well, it might be able to be utilized in various fields magnetic detection has not been made.
Ultra-small Tri-axis Magnetic Smart Switch
The AK09970D is an ultra-compact 3D magnetic smart switch with high sensitivity setting and high measurement resolution.
Key Features
Reduction of Package Area to 1/5 of Conventional ProductBy adopting a 1.35mm☐, 6-pin WL-CSP package, the area has been reduced to an ultra-small size compared to the conventional 3.0mm☐, 16-pin QFN package.Wide Measurement Range & High Resolution
The AK09970D has a high sensitivity setting of 36mT on tri-axis. It is able to measure a wide range of magnetic field from microtesla to millitesla such as from geomagnetic to a magnet since it has high measurement resolution of 1.1μT/LSB in high sensitivity mode. In addition, wide range setting of 101mT can be achieved via the Z axis.
Tri-axis Magnetic Sensor IC with Digital Output
The AK09970N is a digital output 3D magnetic sensor that can select high resolution setting and wide measurement range setting.
The AK09970N has a high sensitivity setting of 36mT on tri-axis. It is able to measure a wide range of magnetic field from microtesla to millitesla such as from geomagnetic to a magnet since it has high measurement resolution of 1.1μT/LSB in high sensitivity mode. In addition, wide range setting of 101mT can be achieved via the Z axis.
Key Features
Low-power Consumption when Battery Life is Critical
The AK09970N can operate using only a few μA, thus consuming a very low current that satisfies a demand of IoT products, (Refer to the Specification Table). It contributes to a long battery life of a product that needs constant acquisition of sensor data to monitor an object’s status.
Magnetic Field Output (Digital)/ Data Ready Alert (DRDY bit)
The AK09970N measures magnetic field on all tri-axis via intermittent drive and outputs the result as digital data, (supporting I²C / SPI communications).
It outputs a Data Ready alert to the dedicated register when the measurement data is updated. (0.25 / 0.5 / 1 / 10 / 20 / 15 / 100Hz interval modes or single measurement mode is selectable for intermittent drive options.)
Magnetic Event Interrupt Function
The AK09970N has magnetic event interrupt pins. Two thresholds can be programmed for each axis, (setting the resolution equal to the measuring resolution). When a magnetic field that exceeds the threshold is sent, the AK09970N outputs a “Magnetic Event” interrupt to registers or external output pins. The magnetic event that causes an interrupt output that can be selected freely by setting a register. (Data Ready alert mentioned in 3 can also be output from an interrupt pin). Two interrupt pins are available for magnetic event: the INT pin for push-pull output and the ODIN pin for open-drain output. Therefore, the output format can be selected depending on the customer’s product.
Tri-axis Magnetic Smart Switch for various purposes
New Product
Wide measurement range and high resolution, ideal for use in combination with magnet
AK09973D is ideal for non-contact detection of relative distances, postures and angles with magnets using in combination with a magnet. Utilizing the magnetic threshold interrupt function and ultra-low power consumption, it is also suitable for battery-powered security monitoring devices.
AK09973D is packaged in 5-pin WL-CSP with 0.4 [mm] ball-pitch . Size is 1.18 × 0.76 x 0.5 [mm] and 2 pins for power supply, 2 pins for I2C communication, one Interupt output pin.
[Notes] * According to AKM as of May 20, 2021.