FS4-3S FS4-3 w/SS body, monel bellowsFS4-3S FS4
FS6-3⁄4 w/BSPT pipe threads
FS7-4E w/extended paddle & paddle arm
FS7-4EL w/BSPT connections
FS7-4S w/NEMA 7 & 9 enclosure
FS7- 4SE w/BSPT connections
FS7-4EJ - CE conformance rated
FS7-4 w/NEMA 4X enclosure
FS7-4W w/SS body
FS7-4W w/BSPT connections
FS7-4SWJ FS7-4SW w/BSPT connections
FS7-4WL FS7-4W w/extended paddle & paddle arm
FS7-4WLJ FS7-4WL w/BSPT connections
FS7-4WJ- E FS7-4WJ - CE conformance rated
Air Flow 气体流量:
Air Flow Switches 气体流量开关
AF1、AFE-1、AF2、AF3 Series Air Flow Switches
型 号
描 述
AF1 Air flow switch
AF1-S AF1 w/SS paddle
AF1-J AF1 w/corrosion coating
AF1-J-E AF1-J-CE conformance rated
AFE-1 Air flow switch w/NEMA 7 & 9 enclosure
AFE-1-E AFE-1-CE conformance rated
AF2 Air flow switch - low velocity
AF3 Air flow switch - medium velocity
AF3-D AF3 w/2 SPDT switches
AF3-E AF3 - CE conformance rated
T5R、T20 Series Time Delay Relays
Flow Switches Time Delay Relays 流量开关时间延时中继器
型 号
描 述
T5R- 120V Time delay relay
T5R- 24V T5R w/24 volt
T20- 120V Time delay relay
T20- 24V T20 w/24 volt AC
T20- 24VDC T20 w/24 volt DC
Note: w/ = with
ITT蒸汽锅炉 液位控制器,ITT液位开关,ITT***阀,ITT浮球开关
Combination Low Water Cut-Off/Pump Controllers for Steam Boilers
液位控制器 (低水断路器,液位开关)(适用于蒸汽锅炉)
Combination Low Water Cut-Off/Pump Controllers for Steam Boilers
ITT液位开关、锅炉液位控制器 ITT***阀(适用于蒸汽锅炉)
42S、93、94、150S、157S、193、194 Combination Low Water Cut-Off/Pump Controllers for Steam Boilers
42S、93、94、150S、157S、193、194 选型表
型 号
描 述
93 Combination low water cut-off / pump controller w/No. 5 switch
93- M 93 w/manual reset
93-7B 93 w/No. 7B switch
93-7B-M 93-7B W/manual reset
94 Combination low water cut-off / pump controller w/No. 5 switch
94-A 94 w/alternate tappings
94-AM 94-A w/manual reset
94-A-7B 94-AM w/No. 7B switch
94-M 94 w/manual reset
94-7B 94 w/No. 7B switch
150S Combination low water cut-off/pump controller
150S-M 150S w/manual reset
158S 150S w/2 SPDT switches
159S 150S w/2 SPST switches
158S-M 158S w/manual reset
158S 150S w/2 SPDT switches
157S 150S low water cut-off w/water column
157S-MD 157S w/maximum differential
157S-A 157S w/alternate tappings
157S-M 157S w/manual reset
193 Combination low water cut-off / pump controller w/No. 5 switch
193-A 193 w/alternate tappings
193-A-7B 193-A w/No. 7B switch
193-A-M 193-A w/manual reset
193-B-M 193-B w/manual reset
193-B-7B 193-B w/No. 7B switch
193-M 193 w/manual reset
193-7B 193 w/No. 7B switch
194 Combination low water cut-off/pump controller w/Series 5 switch
194-A 194 w/alternate tappings
194-A-7B 194-A w/Series 7B switch
194-M 194 w/manual reset
194-7B 194 w/Series 7B switch
194-7BM 194-7B w/manual reset
194-B 194 w/alternate tappings
Note: w/ = with
For Hot Water Boilers 适用于沸水锅炉
Low Water Cut-offs (Electronic) 电子型低水断路器
Boiler Controls 锅炉控制
750、750B、PS850、RB-24、RB120、RB122-E Low Water Cut-offs (Electronic)
-3 w/SS body, monel bellows