Tulsion®A-5X MP 是一款******的,专门为加工工业应用而开发的大孔弱碱性阴离子交换树脂,它具有独特的高交换容量与高孔隙率相结合的特性。由于这一特性而使树脂具有良好 的机械强度和化学稳定性,并且具有优良的耐渗透冲击压和抗有机物污染的性能。树脂的多孔共聚物架构有助于提高其再生和去污的效果,并且具有易于冲洗的特 性。
Tulsion®A-5X MP 能够非常***去除有机物和着色机构。
Tulsion®A-5X MP 也被用在一些加工工业中,如糖和甜味剂等,使用此树脂的特别处理以确保可虑去的气味和总有机碳符合标准。本产品符合美国USFDA(美国食品和药品监督管理)协议173.25。
树脂类型/Resin Type 大孔交联聚苯乙烯树脂
官能团/Functional grou 季胺基/Quaternary amine
离子型式/Ionic form supplied 游离碱/Free base form
粒度分布/Particle size Distribution0.4 - 1.2 mm
总的比例分布/Whole perfect bead count 95% mini
有效粒径/Effective size 0.45-0.55 mm
总交换量/Total exchange capacity( meq/ml )1.3 meq/ml mini
转型膨胀率/Reversible Swelling FB to OH 25 % max.
湿度/Moisture content 57±3%
溶解度/Solubility 不溶
树脂床高度/Resin bed depth 1000 mm
流速/Maximum service flow 40m3/hr/m3
逆洗膨胀空间/Backwash expansio ace 50 - 70%
逆洗膨胀空间/Backwash expansion flow rate(25℃) 4 - 6m3/hr/㎡
再生剂/Regenerant NaOH, Na2CO3,NH4OH
再生程度/Regeneration level 120% of the operating capacity for NaOH
再生浓度/Regeneration concentratio 1 - 5%
再生时间/Regeneration time 20 - 60 分钟
操作温度/Maximum Operating temperature 80℃ max
冲洗流速/Rinse flow rate: 慢/slow 再生流速/At Regeneration flow rate
快/fast 工作流速/At service flow rate
冲洗体积/Rinse volume 2 - 7m3/m3
测试(TESTING): Tulsion®A-5X MP
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187和IS - 7330,1998.
包装(PACKING): Tulsion®A-5X MP
Super Sack
1000 lit
Super Sack
35 cft
MS drums
180 lit.
MS drums
7 cft
HDPE lines Bags
25 lit.
HDPE lines Bags
1 cft
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. Th data
included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be
reliable, but do not imply any
warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We
recommend that the user should determine the
performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.17090831380