杜笙(tulsion) ADS-750 吸附甜菊糖树脂
***吸附树脂Tulsion® ADS-750 是一款圆球形的持久耐用的聚合物吸附型树脂。这种共聚物具有疏水性,且没有官能团。Tulsion® ADS-750 主要应用于***的净化过程,从亲水性溶剂中分离出疏水性有机质以及从植物提取液中回收天然产品等。
主体结构/Matrix structure 交联共聚物/Crosslinked copolymer
物理型式/Physical form 白色不透明球状/White translucent beads
官能基/Functional group 无/ None
粒度/Particle size 0.25 - 1.2 mm
目数/Screen size ASTM mesh 16 to 60
湿度/Moisture content 65±3%
最小表面积/Surface area 750m²/g (BET)
测试(TESTING): Tulsion® ADS-750
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187 和IS - 7330,1998.
包装(PACKING): Tulsion® ADS-750
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included
herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or
performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the
product by testing on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact:17090831380,,13917047856,QQ315684815.