联系人:李经理 电话/微信: 13121637332 QQ:1702700670
This IGS Audio S-Type 500 is a 500 Series mix buss VCA compressor inspired by the SSL G Series mix buss compressor.
The IGS Audio S-Type 500 features at its core the THAT integrated circuit. This is combined with a balanced audio path with ultra-fast op-amps. This provides a very transparent sound with minimal level of noise. The S-Type delivers the big punchy sound associated with Mixbuss VCA compressors.
Modernised for today's music production and mixing, the S-Type 500 boasts extra features. First of al is a new two mode side chain with high pass filtering. The two modes called London and New York affects the compression differently. Selecting "London" will sum both channels to control both VCA stages. "New York" will take the signal on the left channel to control both VCAs. A Side chain HPF with 6 selectable frequencies augments its flexibility. Set its frequency for punchier low-end more controlled dynamics. Finally a Dry/Wet mixer lets you blend in processed signal with the dry for more transparent compression.
IGS Audio S-Type 500 Main Features:
· Parallel compressor with stepped manipulators (excl. Mix)
· Stereo VCA compressor
· Sidechain filter: Flat, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 Hz
· Maximum output +21 dBU, +4dB operating level
· Max gain: 20dB, max reduction: 20dB
输出+21 dbu,+4 db操作级别