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供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3EG7 BK00564 35%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3EG7 BK23189 35%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3HG7 35%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3WG735%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3WG7 BK00564 35%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3WG7 BK23210 35%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3X3G5 35 玻璃纤维增强

专业供应加碳纤PA66;耐高温PA66;医疗级PA66;无卤PA66;改性塑料PA66;导电PA66;高通明PA66;环保PA66;阻燃PA66;高抗冲击PA66PA66塑胶原料;PA66物性;PA66代价;高耐油性PA66;高刚性PA66PA66塑料;食品级PA66PA66UV;无溴PA66PA66资料;防火PA66;抗紫外线PA66;***脱模PA66;加纤PA66;纯树脂原料PA66;可为客户提供有关报告证明 性能测试报告,如:MSDSSGSRoHS)FDAASTM***物性资料,***证明,COAUL黄卡等!!

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3X3G7 35 玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3ZG8 40%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3WG10 BK00564 50%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3EG10 50%玻璃纤维增强

供应PA66 德国巴斯夫 A3HG10 50%玻璃纤维增强

纯树脂原料PA66注射速度:高速(关于增强型资料应稍低一些)。流道和浇口:由于PA66的凝集工夫很短,因而浇口的方位非常重要。浇口孔径不要小于0.5*t(这里t为塑件厚度)。若运用暖流道浇口标准应比运用惯例流道小一些。若用潜入式浇口,浇口的小直径应当是0.75mm。典型用处PA66更广泛运用于汽车工业、仪器壳体以及其它需求有抗冲击性和高强度需求的产物。运用计划 PA66更广泛运用于汽车工业、仪器壳体以及其它需求有抗冲击性和高强度需求的产物。常见问题 溢料飞边、气泡、缩痕、熔接痕、烧焦及黑纹、银丝及斑纹、外表划痕、外表雾状及斑纹、烧焦变色及杂质、烧黑、光泽不良、龟裂泛白、色彩不均、软弱、分层剥离、翘曲变形、脱模不良、模具严厉腐蚀.

Huayun plastic company pure resin raw material PA66 polyamide 66 or Nylon 66, nylon66. PA66 has a high melting point in polyamide materials. It is a semicrystalline-crystalline material or opaque milky crystalline polymer with plasticity. PA66 also maintains its strength and stiffness at higher temperatures. PA66 is still hygroscopic after molding, the degree of which depends primarily on the composition of the material, wall thickness and environmental conditions. It is important to consider the effect of hygroscopicity on a number of stabilities when describing products. In order to advance the mechanical properties of PA66, various modifiers are often used. Glass is a common additive and is sometimes used for impact resistance in synthetic rubber, such as EPDM and SBR. PA66 has a low viscosity and therefore a good fluidity, but not as good as PA6. This property can be used to machine very thin components. Its viscosity is very flexible to temperature changes. PA66 is resistant to many solvents, but less resistant to acids and other chlorinated agents.

供应商网> 工程塑料> PA66> PA66德国巴斯夫A3X2G5|A3X2G5红磷阻燃V0
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