
无卤防火高流动PA66 Durethan A30SFN31

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***德国朗盛无卤防火高流动PA66 Durethan A30SFN31

Molding shrinkage, parallel1.1 / *%*** 294-4, 2577
Molding shrinkage, normal1.1 / *%*** 294-4, 2577
Mechanical propertiesdry / condUnitTest Standard
Tensile modulus3800 / 1500MPa*** 527-1/-2
Yield stress85 / -MPa*** 527-1/-2
Yield strain4.1 / -%*** 527-1/-2
Charpy impact strength, +23°C60 / NkJ/m*** 179/1eU
Charpy impact strength, -30°C50 / 80kJ/m*** 179/1eU
Thermal propertiesdry / condUnitTest Standard
Melting temperature, 10°C/min260 / *°C*** 11357-1/-3
Temp. of deflection under load, 1.80 MPa80 / *°C*** 75-1/-2
Temp. of deflection under load, 0.45 MPa212 / *°C*** 75-1/-2
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, parallel80 / *E-6/K*** 11359-1/-2
Coeff. of linear therm. expansion, normal70 / *E-6/K*** 11359-1/-2
Burning Behav. at 1.5 mm nom. thickn.V-0 / *classIEC 60695-11-10
Thickness tested (1.5)1.5 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
Burning Behav. at thickness hV-0 / *classIEC 60695-11-10
Thickness tested (h)0.4 / *mmIEC 60695-11-10
Oxygen index34 / *%*** 4589-1/-2
Electrical propertiesdry / condUnitTest Standard
Relative permittivity, 100Hz4 / 8-IEC 62631-2-1
Relative permittivity, 1MHz4 / 4-IEC 62631-2-1
Dissipation factor, 100Hz120 / 2000E-4IEC 62631-2-1
Dissipation factor, 1MHz190 / 550E-4IEC 62631-2-1
Volume resistivity1E12 / 1E11Ohm*mIEC 62631-3-1
Surface resistivity* / 1E13OhmIEC 62631-3-2
Electric strength30 / 25kV/mmIEC 60243-1
Comparative tracking index600 / --IEC 60112
Other propertiesdry / condUnitTest Standard
Water absorption7.9 / *%Sim. to *** 62
Humidity absorption2.6 / *%Sim. to *** 62
Density1170 / -kg/m*** 1183

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