德国巴斯夫 PBT Ultradur B4300 G10 特点:玻璃纤维增强,50% 填料重量;高刚性。外壳,外壳。
德国巴斯夫 PBT Ultradur B4300 G2 特点:玻璃纤维增强,10% 填料重量;流动性好,尺寸稳定性好,尺寸稳定,半结晶,中等硬度,刚性好,韧性好,坚韧,硬度高。家居用品,家庭用品,电器,电子,电气/电子应用,电子行业,汽车应用,汽车行业。
本公司专业从事PBT、增强PBT、增韧PBT、阻燃PBT、耐磨PBT、耐候PBT、耐油PBT、耐水解PBT、耐高(低)温PBT、耐热PBT、高粘度PBT、高韧性PBT、高刚度PBT、高硬度PBT、玻纤增强PBT 低翘曲PBT 低潜变PBT 耐疲劳PBT 耐蠕变PBT 高流动PBT 热稳定PBT 防静电PBT 柔韧性PBT 等
聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯,英文名polybutylece terephthalate(简称PBT), PBT为乳白色半透明到不透明、结晶型热塑性聚酯。具有高耐热性、韧性、耐疲劳性,自润滑、低摩擦系数,耐候性、吸水率低,仅为0.1%,在潮湿环境中仍保持各种物性(包括电性能),电绝缘性,但体积电阻、介电损耗大。耐热水、碱类、酸类、油类、但易受卤化烃侵蚀,耐水解性差,低温下可迅速结晶,成型性良好。缺点是缺口冲击强度低 ,成型收缩率大 。故大部分采用玻璃纤维增强或无机填充改性,其拉伸强度、弯曲强度可提高一倍以上,热变形温度也大幅提高。可以在140℃下长期工作,玻纤增强后制品纵、横向收缩率不一致,易使制品发生翘曲。
德国巴斯夫 PBT Ultradur B4300 G2 LS 特点:石墨纤维增强,10% 填料重量;
德国巴斯夫 PBT Ultradur B4300 G3 特点:玻璃纤维增强,15% 填料重量;流动性好,尺寸稳定性好,尺寸稳定,韧性好,坚韧,刚度好,高刚性。电子应用,电子应用,电气/电子应用,电子行业,汽车应用,汽车行业。
德国巴斯夫 PBT Ultradur B4300 G3 LS 特点:玻璃纤维增强,15% 填料重量;尺寸稳定性好,尺寸稳定,流动性好,刚度好,韧性好,坚韧。
Huayun Plastics company PBT crystallization rate, the appropriate processing method for injection molding, other methods are extrusion, blow molding, coating and a variety of secondary processing molding, pre-drying before molding, moisture content should be reduced to 0.02% . PBT (reinforced, modified PBT) is mainly used in automotive, electronic and electrical appliances, industrial machinery and Polymer Alloy, blending industry. For example, as a distributor in automobiles, body parts, igniter coil skeleton, insulation cover, exhaust system parts, motorcycle igniters, deflection coils in electronics and electrical industries such as television sets, picture tubes and potentiometer supports, audio output transformer frame, adapter frame, switch connector, Fan, refrigerator, washing machine motor cover, shaft sleeve. There are also transport machinery parts, sewing machines and textile machinery parts, clock Shell, Mirror Tube, electric iron cover, mercury lampshade, oven parts, electric tool parts, shield sets and so on.