
PC 3105 3105德国拜耳/高粘挤出级PC 3105

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广东 东莞 1天内发货 44000千克
东莞市华韵塑胶原料有限公司 7年
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PC 3105 3105德国拜耳/高粘挤出级PC 3105

PC 3105 3105德国拜耳/高粘挤出级PC 3105

PC 德国拜耳 3103 用于一般工业制品,不含脱模剂。特性:中高分子量,注射或挤塑成型,良好的物理机械性能。

PC 德国拜耳 3108 通用注塑级。

PC 德国拜耳 3105 用于一般工业制品,不含脱模剂V-1 UL 特性:中高分子,挤塑或注塑成型,良好的物理机械性能。

PC 德国拜耳 3208 广泛应用于各种应用领域,例如建筑领域、照明工程、信息工程和交通系统。特性:高分子量,挤塑成型,耐冲击,FDA认可,水触稳定性。

PC 德国拜耳 6265 阻燃级,低粘度, 易释放。

PC 德国拜耳 6465 通用注塑级。

PC 德国拜耳 6487 通用注塑级。

PC 德国拜耳 6555 阻燃级 阻燃V-0,中粘度,易脱模。用于工业产品及电子电器。

PC 德国拜耳 6557 注塑级 特性:中粘度,易脱模,V-0/3.00mm

PC 德国拜耳 9415 玻纤增强阻燃品级,透明特性,应用于电气工程,照明工程。


密度:1.181.22 g/cm^3 线膨胀率:3.8×10^-5 cm/°C 热变形温度:135°C 低温-45°C

聚碳酸酯无色透明,耐热,抗冲击,阻燃BI级,在普通使用温度内都有良好的机械性能。同性能接近聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯相比,聚碳酸酯的耐冲击性能好,折射***,加工性能好,不需要添加剂就具有UL94 V-0级阻燃性能。但是聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯相对聚碳酸酯价格较低,并可通过本体聚合的方法生产大型的器件。












Huayun Plastic Company Main Performance A, mechanical properties: High Strength, fatigue resistance, dimensional stability, creep is also small (high temperature conditions also rarely changed) ; B, Heat aging: After strengthening the UL temperature index to 120 ~ 140 °C (outdoor long-term aging is also very good) ; C, Solvent Resistance: No stress cracking; D, water stability: easy to decompose in water (high temperature, high humidity environment use caution) ; E, electrical performance: 1, INSULATION PERFORMANCE: Excellent (moisture, high temperature can also maintain electrical performance stability, is the manufacture of electronic, electrical parts of the ideal material) ; 2, Dielectric Coefficient: 3.0-3.2; 3, Arc Resistance: 120s; F, molding processability: General Equipment injection or extrusion. The mold temperature is lower than that of other engineering plastics due to its high crystallization rate and good fluidity. In the processing of thin-walled products, only a few seconds, on the large parts as long as 40-60 seconds. Sales of Dongguan Huayun Engineering Plastics Co. , Ltd. , Taiwan Chimei PC-115 has excellent transparency, high heat resistance, ultra-high impact resistance, dimensional stability and so on, making it suitable for a wide range. Right dealers, fake 1:10: [ original package, fake 1:10] can issue one-to-one VAT invoice WONDERLITE PC resin has excellent transparency, high heat resistance, ultra high impact resistance, dimensional stability, and so on, to make it applicable to a wide range of applications. The products are electronic motor products, precision machinery, instrument products, automobile and Locomotive Parts, sports goods, leisure and entertainment related products, sanitary ware, CD / DVD DISC related products and so on. Wonderlite Taiwan Chi Mei PC resin introduction: WONDERLITE series PC is the dihydroxy compounds in the BISPHENOL, carbonate compounds in the diphenyl carbonate by ester exchange method by melting polymerization of polycarbonate resin. The process uses no chlorinated solvents such as phosgene or dichloromethane, and produces polycarbonate resins that are FDA and UL approved. Oh, Shit

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