晶体管输出型原理是CPU通过光耦合使晶体管通断,以控制外部直流负载,响应时间快(约0.2ms甚至更小)。晶体管输出一般用于高速输出,如伺服/步进等,用于动作频***的输出:如温度PID控制, 主要用在步进电机控制,也有伺服控制,还有电磁阀控制(阀动作频***)。
Thermo Electron Corp. Type 835 Multi Drop Combi Micro Plate Reagant DispenserIt
(24) Beckman O-Ring, Inner, Lid, Rotor, 14.0 mm ID x 17.5 mm OD 824412
Sensititre Inoculator Microprocessor Controlled Instrument
(12) Beckman Gasket, Plug, for VTi 50 Rotor
Veeco Ionization Gauge Control RG-840
(12) Beckman Gasket, Rotor Plug for NVT 65, VTi 65.1, MLN-80
(2) Beckman O-Ring, Large, Lid Assembly, 152.0 mm ID x 157.0 mm OD 893502
Eppondorf 5417C Centrifuge w/ Rotor 14000 Rpm 115volt
MaxR Flat Coated 440nm Mounted Adjustable Lens
Power Technology Inc. Power Supply Model ***7-1111
50% Partial Flat BBar 350-450nm Mounted Adjustable Lens
LC Packings FAMOS 920 Well Plate Microautosampler HPLC
Wilks Cell Sample Holder
Eppendorf EDOS 5222 Electronic Dispensing System Controller
5" High Vacuum Flange ASA to Glass
Cairn Arc Lamp Power Supply
SD San Diego Instruments SR-Lab Control
Digital Equipment DEC TK50Z-GA External SCSI Tape Drive
Carolina Blood Flow Probe 35mm EP435
SD San Diego Instruments SR-Lab Startle Response System
Edwards EXDC80 Turbo Pump Controller Drive Module
Omega Programmable Temperature Controller P/N CN2011K 120V 50/60 Hz 12W
Ciphergen ProteinChip 4000 Ion Source, Bias Module & Chamber
SD San Diego Instruments Programmable Animal Shocker Enclosure
10" ASA High Vacuum Stainless Steel Flange (2)
HP Proliant DL380 Server w/ (2) 72 Gig Drives
Savant / Gast VP-100 Vacuum Pump Model 5BB-2-G482X
Savant VP-100 Dual Rotary Vane High Vacuum Pump
Perkin Elmer HPLC Series 200 UV/VIS Detector N2920010
Perkin Elmer HPLC Series 200 Peltier Column Oven, Oven S 200 Peltier
YSI 3166 Calibrator Set of 7 Conductance and Resistance Calibrators
Perkin Elmer HPLC Series 200 LC Pump N2910102
EG&G Reticon cc100v720
Edwards Active Gauge AIM-PL-NW25 Part No: D14646000
Fil-Tech Ion Gauge G-100-K Fil Tech G100K
Sartorius #2743 Analytical Lab Balance 100G Cap.
HP G202*** Mass Spectrometer High Voltage Component Model 2568
Cosel UAW500S-24 Power Supply 24V 22A
Beckman 427 Integrator Lab Integrator / Reco?rder Thermal Printer Unit w/ manual
Calectro DC Microamperes no. D1-910
Dell DPS-600FB A REV Dell PowerVault 220S Power Supply
Bio-Rad Gene Pulser II Capacitance Extender II System w shocking chamber
Vici Valco EQ90 Electric Actuator
PALL Filter Housing PCY13G16 ( 150 PSIG, 32 to 100 F Degrees)
High Vacuum Stainless Steel *** 160 Blank Flange
Edwards 18 E1M18 Dual Stage Rotary Vane High Vacuum Pump
Definox MMC Valve
Finnigan Matt TSQ 700 Ion Gauge Electrometer 70001-61350 Rev C Control Board
Finnigan Matt TSQ 700 DC Rod Driver PN 70001-21060 Circuit Board
VICI Two Position Actuator Control Module EPCA-CE-PES from PE Sciex Qstar Pulsar
Carter Controls 250 Air Model BNAA-4X9-STY-40
PE Sciex Qstar High Vacuum Flange Component
VWR Scientific 20170-237 2.0 mL Screw Cap Tube w/ Attached Cap (Quanity 500)
HBR Transformer #13-007
Finnigan Matt TSQ 700 DC Rod Driver PN 70001-21060 Circuit Board w/ Voltage Cove
HBR Transformer #15-029
Medo Compressor Vacuum Pump VP0935-V1016-D1-C001 (115V, 85W, 60Hz)
HBR Transformer #21-008
Cisco 341-0077-06 Power Supply Astec AA23200 (3000 Watt, 100-240V)
Micromass Mass Spectrometer Top Main Vacuum Chamber
BI Behavioral Instruments Behavioral Spectrometer
Finnigan Matt TSQ 700 FSBC Circuit Board 70001-21550
Brand New Cosel PBA1000F-24 Power Supply 24V 44A 1056W 9238338 TR
New: Ohaus Explorer Pro EP213C Precision Lab Balance 210G
Finnigan Matt TSQ 700 PLL 70001-21100 Circuit Board
Thermo Seperation Products Spectromonitor 3200
10" Ashcroft Bronze Tube Brass Socket Test Gauge 0-160
Kahl Scientific Diplometer DM 01
Source Liner Insertion Tool for a Thermo / Finnigan GC/MS
Perkin Elmer Physical Electronics Electron Multiplier Supply 20-075
BOC Edwards EXDC80 Turbomolecular Vacuum Pump Controller 93W Drive D39640000
Sci Tech Labworks II Laboratory Data Collection Interface
BOC Edwards EXDC160 Turbomolecular Vacuum Pump Controller 187W Drive D39641000
Rosemount 444RL2U1A2NA Temperature Transmitter
Time-To-Digital Converter (TDC) Card Board PII-MP 94V-0 from Micromass OnBoard P
Rosemount 0444RL2U1A1E5 Temperature Transmitter
Labconco RAPIDVAP 7900000 Centrifugal Evaporation System w/ Canister
PULS SL 20 SilverLine Remote Shut-Down Power Supply, SL20.115, 24-28V, 20A, 600W
Affymetrix GeneChip Fluidics Station 450
Inwood NY Signal Transformer 10308
Molecular Devices Skan Washer 400 Microplate Washer
HP G202*** TOF Mass Spectrometer Head Unit
PicoTip Emitter Silica Tip FS360-20-10-D-20 QTY: 20 Coating: 1P-4P
Honeywell Modutrol Motor Actuator
Dwyer VFA-5-SSV Flow Meter
Watlow Limit LV Temperature Limit Controller Type K
Pfeiffer Balzers TCP 270 Turbo Pump Controller Power Supply w/ Heater