关键词:PLC可编程控制系统,分散控制系统(DCS)安全仪表系统(SIS),ESD系统,振动监测系统,汽轮机控制 压缩机组控制系统(CCS)等各类工控系统部件。
Motorola have built many different models of the MVME172 board. The LX models have 4 RJ-45 serial connectors on the front panel and 2 Industry-Pack slots, and are marked with a -2xx or -3xx suffix. The FX models have two serial ports connected via a transition module and 4 Industry-Pack slots, and are marked with a -4xx or -5xx suffix. Both models are used by the APS controls group. More recent models are marked MVME172Px and use a new Petra chip for much onboard funcationality, thus they have a different layout and jumper designations. There are both 2-slot and 4-slot versions of the MVME172Px boards, which vxWorks still identifes as being -LX or -FX models in its bootup logo screen.
These instructions were originally written for the LX series, however the APS versions of the vxWorks Board Support Package for the mv172 are compatible with all models, thus some details below may vary for the other models but the majority of the instructions should be the same.
The MVME172 has 1 or 2MB of soldered Flash EPROM, and another EPROM in a socket which holds the Motorola debug monitor used for programming the Flash EPROM. This document describes how to copy the vxWorks ROM boot image into the Flash and use this for booting. The socketted EPROM should never be removed as this will be used if it is ever necessary to reprogram the Flash again.
First set up the board jumpers. The only relevent jumpers are J1 = System controller, and J21.9-10 [or switch S4.5 for the Petra board models] = Boot EPROM selection. The MVME172 has an "automatic" system controller mode set as the factory default, which means that it's unlikely you'll ever need to touch J1 [on Petra models check that the J1 jumper connects pins 2 and 3, the factory setting on one board was wrong].
To program the vxWorks boot code into Flash EPROM you need to remove jumper J21.9-10, located between the socketted EPROM and the RAM mezzanine board - this causes the CPU to boot using the socketted EPROM chip. On Petra models change the setting of Switch S4.5 to OFF - S4 is an 8-way switch block just North of the 68060 chip (factory default appears to be OFF anyway if this is a new board).
Insert the board into the VME chassis, connect the Ethernet and console serial port cables, then power up the VME chassis. The wiring from the RJ-45 serial connector to a standard DB25 connector is as follows (Black Box part FA732)