
PFTL 101A-1.0瑞典ABB张力测量张力控制器供应

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广东 深圳 5天内发货 1366个
深圳长欣自动化设备有限公司 5年
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一、英维思福克斯波罗 Invensys Foxboro I/A Series系统:FBM(现场输入/输出模块)顺序控制、梯形逻辑控制、事故追忆处理、数模转换、输入/输出信号处理、数据通信及处理等

二、英维思ESD系统 Invensys Triconex: 冗余容错控制系统、基于三重模件冗余(TMR)结构的*现代化的容错控制器。

三、ABBBailey INFI 90,工业机器人备件DSQC系列等。 


五、霍尼韦尔HoneywellDCS系统备件模件、HONEYWELL TDC系列, QCS,S9000等备件。


七、罗克韦尔Allen Bradley Rockwell: 1/ 1785Reliance瑞恩 等产品。 




十一、摩托罗拉MotorolaMVME 162MVME 167MVME1772MVME177VME系列。 


十三、西门子SiemensSiemens MOORESiemens Simatic C1Siemens数控系统等。

十四、博士力士乐Bosch RexrothIndramatI/O模块,PLC控制器,驱动模块等。 

十五、HP:工作站、服务器、HP 9000 工作站、HP 75000 系列备件、HP VXI 测试设备等。


十七、MELEC: 驱动器、驱动板、伺服驱动器、伺服控制器、马达驱动卡等。 

十八、网域Network Appliance:数据储存模块。

To demonstrate how this can be done, three possible pumps for the system shown in Figure 6 will be considered, and the one that allows satisfactory controllability while minimizing energy consumption will be selected. Curves of P1, the pressure just upstream of the valve, are shown for each of the three pumps, along with the power required by each at a normal flow rate of 400 gpm. These curves slope downward in proportion to the flow squared from the 100 gpm pump head (45, 60, and 75 psig, respectively, for pumps A, B, and C) to a pressure 10 psi lower due to the combined effect of the 5 psi pressure loss in the upstream piping and the 5 psi decrease in pump head from 100 gpm to 600 gpm stated in the figure. The curve for P2, the pressure at the control valve outlet, starts with the 10 psig static head of the tank at very low flows and increases in proportion to the flow squared to 30 psig as the downstream piping and heat exchanger pressure losses increase to their 600 gpm values.The control valve pressure drops (the difference between P1 and P2) are indicated in the figure by the arrows at the left side of the figure for 100 gpm and at the right side of the figure for 600 gpm. The analysis is performed based on using a segment ball valve. The graph in the lower left of Figure 6 shows the calculated installed flow characteristics. Keep in mind the installed flow graphs generated by the worksheet of the reference 4 graph is relative flow, so 1.0 is *** of the fully open flow, which is different for each of the three cases. What is interesting is the installed gain graphs.With the 17-hp pump, besides requiring a more expensive 6-inch valve, the gain graph looks terrible. The installed gain is the highest of the three (meaning a larger flow error for the same valve position error), it drops to 0.4 as it approaches the maximum design flow (the red vertical line at 1.0 on the Q/Qmax scale), and the variation in gain over the flow range is almost 7:1, much greater than the recommendation of 2:1. This is large enough that it would be difficult to come up with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) tuning parameters that would provide good and stable control over the entire required flow range. The gain graphs of the 23-hp and 29-hp pumps fall within the recommended gain criteria, but the 23-hp pump is the winner, because its gain is closer to 1.0, and it also is the more economical of the two to operate.

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