
T8311工控通讯卡件ICS系列供应 原装品质服务

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安全咨询公司IOActive的安全Ruben Santamarta认为,针对ICS的攻击是否可能,这已经不是一个问题,因为它确实发生了。一旦攻击者动机足够强烈,我们将遇到更大的问题。2013年,攻击者会对它更有兴趣,这毫不荒谬。

  厂商Kaspersky实验室恶意软件Vitaly Kamluk认为,未来,会有更多针对SCADA系统的恶意软件。他表示,Stuxnet对ICS/SCADA带来的攻击为白帽和黑帽研究者带来了全新的领域,这一主题将会是2013年的首要话题。



  “创建能够成功攻击ICS系统的恶意软件并非小事,这需要许多战略和计划,” 漏洞和情报管理公司Secunia安全官Thomas Kristensen表示,显然,能够发出这种攻击的人和组织数量也是有限的。

  Peterson表示,大部分部署SCADA和DCS(分布控制系统)的应用程序和硬件并没有考虑安全发展生命周期(Security Development Lifecycle,SDL)。想想上个世纪90年代后期的微软吧,它充满了普通的程序错误,这些错误会导致bug、漏洞的出现。这意味着,可编程序控制器(programmable logic controllers,PLC)和其他领域的设备在设计时就是不安全的。

 Moxa 工业以太网解决方案在增加了新的ICS工业核心交换机系列后,变得更为。ICS系列加入了强大的edge-to-core交换机套件和MXview 工业网络管理软件(iNMS)来建立***工业以太网平台,提供的可扩展性,,高可靠性,并且易于维护。Moxa 工业edge-to-core以太网交换机解决方案同时具有符合核心层网络设施的要求,以及满足边缘层灵活介质选择和经济效益的需求。Moxa 工业级edge-to-core以太网交换机家族现在包括有超过500个型号,包括ICS系列10GbE 核心交换机,IKS和EDS-700/800系列模块化机架式交换机,和导轨式交换机,EDS-200/300/400/500/600 系列导轨式边缘层交换机。所有这些交换机都经过特殊设计,能够在严苛环境下要求很高的关键性工业应用中稳定操作,比如轨道交通,ITS,智能电网,油气, 工厂自动化,和海事应用。Moxa MXview iNMS 通过简单的用户友好的浏览器界面,进行总体网络管理,能够实时追踪Moxa 所有网管型以太网交换机的网络状态,快速发现失败节点,减少故障排除响应时间。 Moxa 新的ICS系列工业核心交换机家族具备极高10GbE性能,网络弹性,和无风扇设计,耐久性,使客户能够部署高容量整合性的自动化网络。这些核心计算机大 大增加了整个工业网络的数据吞吐量,提供多功能骨干网,支持大量基于以太网的服务,比如视频,音频,命令,和数据传输。

        ★ 主营品牌:ABB,AB,GE,HIMA、TRICONEX英维思、 Woodward伍德沃德 、Motorola摩托、 EMERSON 艾默生

  ★ 其他品牌:DCS系统的配件,PLC系统的配件:EPRO、 PROSOFT、MOOG、DEIF、NI、本特利、霍尼韦尔、福克斯波罗、施耐德、安川、横河,贝加莱等各类欧美品牌的机器人系统配件,大型伺服系统备件等,只要您有需要,我司都很乐意帮助到您!欢迎来询!


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Waypoint Robotics has teamed with Productive Robotics to make mobile manipulation accessible for small to mid sized companies. Combine the easiest to use, most capable omnidirectional autonomous mobile robot with the simplest and most flexible 7 axis collaborative robot arm, and it has never been easier or more cost effective to deploy a mobile manipulator for manufacturing and logistics applications. Workers can use this mobile platform to perform repetitive tasks such as machine tending, quality assurance sampling, material replenishment, packaging, and many others, so they can focus on the high skilled jobs for which they are uniquely qualified.“The fast and intuitive set up process of the Productive Robotics OB7 perfectly aligns with our Vector AMR that is built for factory and warehouse workers to deploy in minutes rather than hours or days,” said Waypoint Robotics CEO & Co-Founder Jason Walker. “And the extraordinary dexterity of Productive’s 7 axis cobot arm coupled with Waypoint’s omnidirectional mobility opens up endless possibilities for workers to automate repetitive tasks and maximize robot utilization throughout their facility, ”What makes it so easy? Waypoint Robotics’ Vector AMR and Product Robotics’ OB7 have been elegantly integrated so set up and operation is fast, simple, and intuitive with both machines seamlessly working together as they perform tasks. The mobile manipulator has a flexible design and interconnected safety systems that allows for either robot to be the primary controller of a particular operation. The Vector’s omnidirectional mobility enables fast, precise docking in any direction or orientation so the OB7 can perform accurate and precise grasping or picking tasks, taking full advantage of the cobots’ 7 degrees of freedom (7 DOF) and superior dexterity. Power management is also a breeze because the Waypoint EnZone wireless charger provides on demand energy and opportunity charging for longer run times.

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