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T9100, T9110, T9300, T9310, T9401/2, T9431/2, T9451, T9481/2罗克韦尔自动化的Allen-Bradley Guardmaster SafeZone 3 激光扫描器现已支持基于 EtherNet/IP 的通用工业协议 (CIP) 安全协议。这有助于用户访问了解机器或生产线状态所需的关键数据。终,SafeZone 3 等智能安全设备可提供有意义的信息,从而支持用户监控机器健康状况、延长正常运行时间、提高灵活性和增强安全性,同时降低总拥有成本。

  SafeZone 3 激光扫描器可使用 Studio 5000 Logix Designer集成到Allen-Bradley GuardLogix 安全控制系统中,从而实现 SIL 2/PLd 等级应用。此外,它还支持设备级环网 (DLR) 网络 拓扑结构,从而帮助增强网络弹性。

这将有效提高生产力,例如,它在工人接近工作区时发出警报,以防机器减速或停工。此外,CIP Safety 功能还可扩展可用诊断数据,提醒用户注意扫描器镜头存在灰尘等常见故障。

  SafeZone 3 配备了增强型高清测距扫描技术,便于在危险区或危险点附近使用。这不仅能够提高扫描数据的准确性,还能增强扫描器抵抗灰尘、烟雾、焊接闪光和其他光学干扰的能力。

  此外,SafeZone 3的系统插头中存储了配置内存,在需要迅速更换设备时有助于防止停机。该扫描器还有其他一些特性,如明亮的彩色显示屏,该显示屏与用户友好型按钮搭配使用, 用于显示设备设置和状态。


        ★ 主营品牌:ABB,AB,GE,HIMA、TRICONEX英维思、 Woodward伍德沃德 、Motorola摩托、 EMERSON 艾默生

  ★ 其他品牌:DCS系统的配件,PLC系统的配件:EPRO、 PROSOFT、MOOG、DEIF、NI、本特利、霍尼韦尔、福克斯波罗、施耐德、安川、横河,贝加莱等各类欧美品牌的机器人系统配件,大型伺服系统备件等,只要您有需要,我司都很乐意帮助到您!欢迎来询!


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While Honda remains committed to developing fuel cell systems for passenger vehicles, the market for fuel cell systems to power larger trucks and transport ships, as well as stationary generation, is expanding rapidly in the U.S. and is expected to grow to over $86.7 billion annually by 2030. Data centers in particular require high-quality and reliable power, where any disruption in power supply can lead to downtime or problems such as data corruption and damage to servers.  Typical stationary backup generators rely on diesel fuel, which result in higher carbon emissions and local air pollutants. Backup power systems utilizing hydrogen fuel cells offer a promising future for clean, yet reliable and high-quality power generation, especially when operating on so-called "green" hydrogen made from renewable sources, with water vapor as the only emission. 

  • In July 2002, the Honda FCX became the first fuel cell vehicle certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Resources Board (CARB).

  • In December 2002, Honda introduced the world's first production fuel cell vehicle, to both the U.S. and Japan markets.

  • In 2003, Honda became the first automaker with a fuel cell vehicle to start and operate in sub-freezing temperatures.

  • In 2005, Honda became the first automaker to lease fuel cell vehicles to individual retail customers.

  • In 2008, Honda became the first manufacturer to build and produce a dedicated fuel cell vehicle (FCX Clarity) on a production line specifically made for fuel cell vehicles.

  • In 2013, Honda and GM began working together on the co-development of a next-generation fuel cell system and hydrogen storage technologies.

  • In 2017, Honda introduced the Honda Clarity Fuel Cell vehicle.

  • In 2020, Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and Isuzu Motors Ltd. signed an agreement for joint research of the use of hydrogen fuel cells to power heavy-duty trucks, looking to expand fuel cell use by applying the zero-emission technology to larger vehicles.

  • In 2021, Honda announced its collaboration with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to develop a fuel cell system combined with a high differential pressure water electrolysis system that will help support a "circulative renewable energy system" to supply space and lunar stations with electricity, oxygen and water.

  • At FC Expo held in Japan, March 16-18, 2022, Honda will display a prototype FC Power Unit co-developed with General Motors, and a portable FC generator concept model.


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