
216DB61 HESG324063R0100 HESG216882A控制器驱动板 使用尺寸

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瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司 4年
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产品标题:216DB61 HESG324063R0100 HESG216882A控制器驱动板 使用尺寸

型号:216DB61 HESG324063R0100 HESG216882A





VMIVME-7740提供了一台完全兼容IBM PC/AT的基于奔腾III处理器的计算机。该设计包括一个具有当前技术存储器的高速微处理器。有关可用组件选项,请参考VMIC产品规范。由于设计与PC/AT兼容,它保留了标准PC内存和I/O映射以及标准中断架构。此外,VMIVME-7740包括以太网控制器、与AGP兼容的视频适配器和USB控制器。以下各节详细介绍了VMIVME-7740的PC/AT功能。VMIVME-8740 CPU插槽在出厂时安装了高速Pentium III处理器。CPU速度和SDRAM大小由用户***,作为VMIVME-7740订购信息的一部分。这些选项不可由用户升级。要更改CPU速度或RAM大小,请联系VMIC客户服务以获得退货授权(RMA)。VMIVME-7740提供同步DRAM(SDRAM)作为板载系统内存。内存可以以字节、单词或长单词的形式访问。VMIVME-7740上的所有RAM都通过PCI到VME网桥双端口连接到VME总线。内存可由本地处理器寻址,VME总线从机接口可由另一个VME总线主机寻址。在本地处理器和VME总线之间共享内存时必须小心,以防止VME总线主机覆盖本地处理器的操作系统。


The VMIVME-7740 provides a complete IBM PC/AT-compatible Pentium III processor-based computer. The design includes a high-speed microprocessor with current technology memory. Reference the VMIC product specifications for available component options. Because the design is PC/AT compatible, it retains standard PC memory and I/O maps along with standard interrupt architecture. Furthermore, the VMIVME-7740 includes Ethernet controllers, an AGP-compatible video adapter, and a USB controller. The following sections describe in detail the PC/AT functions of the VMIVME-7740.The VMIVME-7740 CPU socket is factory populated with a high-speed Pentium III processor. The CPU speed and SDRAM size are user-specified as part of the VMIVME-7740 ordering information. The options are not user-upgradable. To change CPU speeds or RAM size, contact VMIC customer service to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA).The VMIVME-7740 provides Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) as on-board system memory. Memory can be accessed as bytes, words, or longwords. All RAM on the VMIVME-7740 is dual-ported to the VMEbus through the PCI-to-VME bridge. The memory is addressable by the local processor, as well as the VMEbus slave interface by another VMEbus master. Caution must be used when sharing memory between the local processor and the VMEbus to prevent a VMEbus master from overwriting the local processor’s operating system.


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