产品标题:5SHX1445H0001 3BHL00391P0101 3BHB003230R0101输出控制卡
型号:5SHX1445H0001 3BHL00391P0101 3BHB003230R0101
IBM PC/AT计算机通过将***个从机8259A PIC级联到原始主机8259A-PIC中,又增加了八条IRQx线路,编号为IRQ8到IRQ15。主PIC处的中断线IRQ2被提交为从PIC的级联输入。该主/从体系结构,即标准PC/AT中断映射,如图中PCI到ISA桥PIIX4E 82371EB部分***21页图E-2所示。为了保持与PC/XT系统的向后兼容性,IBM选择在从属PIC上使用新的IRQ9输入,以作为PC/WT扩展总线上的旧IRQ2中断线运行。因此,在AT系统中,IRQ9中断线连接到AT扩展总线(或ISA总线)上的旧IRQ2引脚。BIOS定义每个设备要使用的PC/AT中断线。BIOS向两个级联的8259A PIC芯片中的每个芯片写入一个8位矢量,该矢量将每个IRQx映射到内存中相应的中断矢量。
The IBM PC/AT computer added eight more IRQx lines, numbered IRQ8 to IRQ15, by cascading a second slave 8259A PIC into the original master 8259A PIC. The interrupt line IRQ2 at the master PIC was committed as the cascade input from the slave PIC. This master/slave architecture, the standard PC/AT interrupt mapping, is illustrated in Figure E-2 on page 121 within the PCI-to-ISA Bridge PIIX4E 82371EB section of the diagram. To maintain backward compatibility with PC/XT systems, IBM chose to use the new IRQ9 input on the slave PIC to operate as the old IRQ2 interrupt line on the PC/XT Expansion Bus. Thus, in AT systems, the IRQ9 interrupt line connects to the old IRQ2 pin on the AT Expansion Bus (or ISA bus). The BIOS defines the PC/AT interrupt line to be used by each device. The BIOS writes to each of the two cascaded 8259A PIC chips an 8-bit vector, which maps each IRQx to its corresponding interrupt vector in memory.