
A4H124-4FX P0973JN使用方法教程模块卡件自动化PLC/DCS工控设备

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产品标题:  A4H124-4FX P0973JN使用方法教程模块卡件自动化PLC/DCS工控设备

型号: A4H124-4FX P0973JN




A4H124-4FX P0973JN



The packet is transferred around the network to all nodes until it returns to the originating node. It is then a requirement of the originating node to remove the packet from the network. If, however, the packet somehow gets altered as it passes through another node or if the originating node begins to malfunction, then the originating node may fail to recognize the packet as its own and will not remove the packet from the network. In this case the packet will continue to pass around the network. Rogue packets are extremely rare. Their existence indicates a malfunctioning board due to true component failure or due to operation in an harsh environment. Normally, the solution is to ***late and replace the malfunctioning board and/or improve the environment. However, some users prefer to tolerate sporadic rogue packets rather than halt the system for maintenance provided the rogue packets are removed from the network. To provide tolerance to rogue packet faults, the VMIVME-5565 can operate as one of two rogue masters. A rogue master alters each packet as it passes from one node to another. When the packet returns to the rogue master a second time, the rogue master recognizes that it is a rogue packet and removes it from the ring. When a rogue packet is detected, a rogue packet fault flag is set in the Local Interrupt Status Register (LISR). The assertion of the rogue packet fault bit may optionally assert a VMEbus interrupt to inform the host that the condition exists.

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