
07KT94 GJR5252100R2261工控系统PLC/DCS卡件模块自动化设备

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产品标题: 07KT94 GJR5252100R2261工控系统PLC/DCS卡件模块自动化设备

型号:07KT94 GJR5252100R2261




07KT94 GJR5252100R2261应用于TriStation 1131中的SOE设置位置TriStation 1131>应用程序树>实施>SOE配置树>块日志文件格式日志文件格式属性***将事件数据自动导出到dBASEIV或ASCII分隔的文本文件的格式。应用于事件数据位置工具菜单>选项命令>自动导出选项卡相关主题选项命令(第74页)每个文件的事件数每个文件的最多事件数属性标识生成自动快照时保存到单个文件的事件数。在检索事件之前必须设置此属性。应用于事件“位置工具”菜单>“选项”命令>“模式”选项卡07KT94 GJR5252100R2261“修改的外部块类型”“修改的内部块类型”设置用于安全管理器模块(SMM)的事件检索。SMM是与霍尼韦尔通用控制网络(UCN)的Triconex通信接口,UCN是霍尼韦尔TCD 3000分布式控制系统的主要网络之一。只有块15和16可以被***为修改的外部进程1。主处理器向块写入事件并通知SMM。2 SMM向主处理器请求数据,并确认收到数据。3 SMM通过UCN将数据转发到TDC 3000 DCS。4主处理器接收到确认后,从块中清除事件数据。5当缓冲区已满时,主处理器将丢弃新的事件条目。有关更多信息,请参阅SMM用户指南。07KT94 GJR5252100R2261


Applies To SOE setup in TriStation 1131 Location TriStation 1131 > Application tree > Implementation > SOE Configuration tree > Blocks Journal File Format07KT94 GJR5252100R2261The Journal File Format property specifies the format for the automatic export of event data to a dBASEIV or ASCII delimited text file. Applies To Event data Location Tools menu > Options command > Auto Export tab Related Topics Options Command (page 74) Maximum Events Per File The Maximum Events Per File property identifies the maximum number of events that are saved to a single file when an Auto Snapshot is generated. 07KT94 GJR5252100R2261This property must be set before events are retrieved. Applies To Events Location Tools menu > Options command > Mode tab Modified External Block Type The Modified External Block Type setting is used for event retrieval with the Safety Manager Module (SMM). The SMM is the Triconex communication interface with the Honeywell Universal Control Network (UCN), which is one of the principal networks of the Honeywell TCD 3000 Distributed Control System. Only blocks 15 and 16 can be specified as Modified External Process 1 The Main Processors write an event to the blocks and notify the SMM. 2 The SMM requests the data from the Main Processors and acknowledges the receipt of the data. 3 The SMM forwards the data through the UCN to the TDC 3000 DCS. 4 After the Main Processors receive the acknowledgment, event data is cleared from the block. 5 When the buffer is full, the Main Processors discard new event entries. For more information, see the SMM User’s Guide.07KT94 GJR5252100R2261



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