
HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

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江西 瑞昌市 1天内发货 5173个
瑞昌明盛自动化设备有限公司 4年
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产品标题: HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

型号:HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175




HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175将接口电缆的一端连接到终端面板上的ELCO连接器。•确保电缆和终端面板上的ELCO连接器的配合面没有任何弯针或其他损坏,并且公键和母键匹配。•将连接器放置在电缆上,HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175使其与端接面板上的连接器对齐。•将两个连接器配合在一起,直到指旋螺钉的螺纹端与内螺纹连接器中的螺母接触。您可能需要稍微摇动电缆上的连接器,同时将其与终端面板上的连接器配合。•当您向电缆上的连接器顶部施加压力时,HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175用另一只手顺时针转动指旋螺钉,直到连接器完全配合。最小扭矩要求为8.85 lbf in(10.0 d-Nm)您必须在ATEX安装中使用的所有ELCO连接器的阳侧使用垫圈2000098-100。HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175建议您在所有需要非易燃电路的危险场所使用垫圈。(订购Triconex零件号3000793-001,用于25个垫圈的套件。)


Attach one end of the interface cable to the ELCO connector on the termination panel. • Ensure that the mating surfaces of the ELCO connectors on the cable and the termination panel do not have any bent pins HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175or other damage, and that both male and female keys match. • Position the connector on the cable so that it is aligned with the connecor on the termination panel.• Mate the two connectors together until the threaded end of the thumbscrew is making contact with the nut in the female connector. You may need to slightly rock the connector on the cable while mating it to the connector HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175on the termination panel. • As you apply pressure to the top of the connector on the cable, use your other hand to turn the thumbscrew clockwise until the connectors are mated completely. The minimum torque requirement is 8.85 lbf in (10.0 d-Nm) You must use gasket 2000098-100 on the male side of all ELCO connectors used in ATEX installations. HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175 recommends that you use the gasket in all hazardous locations requiring nonincendive circuits. (Order Triconex part number 3000793-001 for a kit of 25 gaskets.)HONEYWELL CC-PCNT01 51405046-175

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