
NI PXI-7811R怎么使用工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

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产品标题: NI PXI-7811R怎么使用工控DCS系统模块卡件自动化设备

型号: NI PXI-7811R




NI PXI-7811R继电器触点不受保险丝保护,以实现应用的灵活性。您必须为您的应用提供必要的接触保护。面板型通用插入式继电器点16继电器型紧凑型,带压紧夹的通用功率继电器继电器触点额定值10A@30 VDC或277 VAC继电器开关功率(见以下注意事项)AC:2500 VA DC:90 W继电器输出循环率每次扫描一次继电器在额定负载下的预期寿命100000次操作继电器隔离1000 VAC最小1500 VDC每个继电器的最小功耗小于2瓦切换无功负载时,您应该将输出的开关功率降低到值的25%NI PXI-7811R(交流应用为625 VA,直流应用为22.5 W)。当切换白炽灯时,涌入电流可以是灯的额定额定负载电流的10到15倍。NI PXI-7811R使用涌入电流来计算所需的输出开关功率。有关浪涌幅度和持续时间的详细规范,请联系灯具制造商。NI PXI-7811R


Relay contacts are not protected by a fuse to allow maximum flexibility for the application. You must provide the necessary contact protection for your application.Panel type Commoned interposing relay Points 16 Relay type Compact, general-purpose power relays with hold-down clamps Relay contact rating 10A @ 30 VDC or 277 VAC RelayNI PXI-7811R switching power (see CAUTION below) AC: 2500 VA DC: 90 W Relay maximum output cycle rate Once per scan Relay expected life at maximum rated load 100,000 operations Relay ***lation 1000 VAC minimum 1500 VDC minimum Power consumption per relay Less than 2 watts When switching reactive loads, you should de-rate the switching power of the outputs to 25% of maximum (625 VA for AC applications or 22.5 watts for DC applications). When switching incandescent lamps, the inrush current can be 10 to 15 times the rated NI PXI-7811Rnominal load current of the lamp. Use the inrush current to calculate the required output switching power. Contact the lamp manufacturer for detailed specifications regarding inrush amplitude and duration.NI PXI-7811R

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