Functional Specifications
The PDPMV1 PROFIBUS Master module acts as a PROFIBUS network scanner,
transferring input and output data between PROFIBUS devices and processor data
memory over the backplane.
Master Busview configuration interface via included ProSoft Configuration Builder
software (Part Number PSW-PCB)
Project-unique GSD file import library
Monitoring and modification of process data and DPV1 acyclic data
Multi-drop on a PROFIBUS DPV1 network with other compatible devices
General Specifications
Single slot - 1756 backplane compatible
The module is recognized as an Input/Output module and has access to processor memory for data transfer between processor
and module
Ladder Logic is used for data transfer between module and processor. Sample ladder file (add-on instruction) included.
Local or remote rack
Configurable I/O backplane sizes allow optimal performance for remote rack applications
General Specifications - PDPMV1
The PROFIBUS DPV1 Master implement