
PPC380AE02 模拟量输入模块 接收的电压或者电流等信息

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ABB PPC380AE02 模拟量输入模块

模拟量输入模块PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102模拟量输入模块也称为A/D模块,它将从各种工业现场传感器中采集的模拟量信号转换成CPU可以识别接收的数字量。模拟量输出模块:PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102模拟量输出模块又称为D/A模块,简单来说就是将模拟量输入模块CPU送来的数字量转换成其他外部设备识别接收的电压或者电流等信息。数字量模块:数字量模块的主要作用就是检查外部开关输入的状态。数字量输入输出信号开关量信号,1或者0。模拟量模块的作用:模拟量输入模块的主要作用是收集模拟信号。

这里的传感器数据包括电压、电流、热阻、热电偶、温度等模拟值,然后通过总线传输给计算机的智能模块。PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102模拟量输出模块的作用是通过数模转换输入的数字信号进行转换,输出可控制的连续电流和信号。数字量模块:数字量模块有输入输出两种功能。如果不采用这种方法集成,可以节省更多空间,否则用户在使用时需要买两个模块,数字量模块解决了这问题,集成输入/输出功能, 一个模块既可以输入信号也可以输出信号。收集外部压力传感器后,在模块内部收集压力传感器收集的模拟号,并进行相应的处理。

Analog input module PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102, also known as A/D module, converts analog signals collected from various industrial sensors into digital signals that can be recognized and received by the CPU. Analog output module: PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102 Analog output module, also known as D/A module, simply means converting the digital signal sent by the CPU of the analog input module into voltage or current information recognized and received by other external devices. Digital module: The main function of a digital module is to check the status of external switch inputs. Digital input/output signal switch signal, 1 or 0. The function of analog module: The main function of analog input module is to collect analog signals.

The sensor data here includes analog values such as voltage, current, thermal resistance, thermocouple, temperature, etc., which are then transmitted to the intelligent module of the computer through the bus. The function of the PPC380AE02 HIEE300885R0102 analog output module is to convert the digital signal input through analog-to-digital conversion, and output controllable continuous current and signal. Digital module: The digital module has two functions: input and output. If this method of integration is not adopted, more space can be saved. Otherwise, users need to buy two modules when using them. The digital module solves this problem by integrating input/output functions, and a module can input and output signals. After collecting the external pressure sensors, collect the analog signals collected by the pressure sensors inside the module and perform corresponding processing.

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