
POM/美国杜邦/DE20199-BK602 耐老化 高流动 耐磨 举报

  • 美国杜邦厂家(产地)
  • DE20199牌号
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东莞市德胜工程塑胶原料有限公司,是一家专业从事塑胶原料贸易的五星诚信企业。我公司自2004年成立以来,一直秉承、客户至上、诚信为本、合作共赢、以***产品,及诚信服务、***的经营理念以及声誉。与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,在塑胶原料销售行业中, 多年以来赢得了良好的***。并深受广大新老客户的信赖,我们的成长离不开您的支持,与您携手更是我们的骄傲。真诚感谢、新老客户多年对我们公司默默的支持以及信赖。在今后合作的岁月里,希望能够继续得到新老客户的关心和支持。新老客户的满意就是我们公司永恒的追求,我们将一如既往为新老客户提供,***的产品、最真诚的服务、诚信、来回报您们。我公司真诚祝愿,各位新老客户朋友们,身体健康、财源广进、家庭幸福、万事如意!热诚欢迎新老客户朋友们前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。




杜邦POM Delrin介绍





 杜邦POM Delrin同系列型号介绍

Delrin 100 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100AL NC010 Lubricated, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100P BK602 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100P NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100PE NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions 

Delrin 100ST BK602 Super Tough, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100ST NC010 Super Tough, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100T BK602 Toughened, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100T NC010 Toughened, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 100TL NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with 1.5% PTFE Micropowder 

Delrin 111P BK402 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization 

Delrin 111P NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization 

Delrin 127UV BK701 UV Stabilized Black Acetal Homopolymer, High Viscosity 

Delrin 127UV NC010 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, High Viscosity 

Delrin 150 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion 

Delrin 150XV BK602 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion Void Free in Thick Sections 

Delrin 150XV NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion Void Free in Thick Sections 

Delrin 1700P NC010 Ultra Low Viscosity Acetal 

Delrin 1700SL NC010 Low viscosity acetal resin, low wear / low friction 

Delrin 300CP BK642 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 300CP NC010 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 300PE NC010 Medium-High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions 

Delrin 311DP BK402 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization and Dimensional Stability 

Delrin 311DP NC010 Medium-high Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Dimensional Stability and Productivity 

Delrin 500AL NC010 Lubricated, Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity 

Delrin 500CL BK601 Chemically Lubricated, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 500CL NC010 Chemically Lubricated, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 500MP NC010 Lubricated Medium Viscosity Acetal Hoimopolymer With Teflon? PTFE Micropowder 

Delrin 500P BK602 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 500P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer  

Delrin 500PE NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Very Low Emissions 

Delrin 500T BK602 Toughened, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 500T NC010 Toughened, Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 500TL NC010 1.5% Teflon? PTFE Micropowder in Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 511DP BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 511DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 511P BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization 

Delrin 527UV BK701 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, Black, Medium Viscosity 

Delrin 527UV NC010 UV Stabilized Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity  

Delrin 900P BK602 Low Viscosity Black Acetal Homopolymer Resin 

Delrin 511P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Enhanced Crystallization 

Delrin 900P NC010 Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer Resi 

Delrin 911AL NC010 Lubricated Acetal Homopolymer, Low Viscosity For Dimensionally Stable Parts  

Delrin 911DP BK402 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer  

Delrin 911DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer   

Delrin FG100AL NC010 Lubricated, High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade  

Delrin FG100TL NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer with 1.5% PTFE Micropowder

Delrin FG150 NC010 High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer for Extrusion, Food Grade  

Delrin FG311DP NC010 Medium-High Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade  

Delrin FG500AL NC010 Lubricated, Acetal Homopolymer, Medium Viscosity, Food Grade 

Delrin FG500P NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade 

Delrin FG500TL NC010 1.5% Teflon? PTFE Micropowder in Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade  

Delrin FG511DP NC010 Medium Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade  

Delrin FG900P NC010 Low Viscosity Acetal Homopolymer, Food Grade 

Delrin 510GR NC000 10% Glass Reinforced Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 525GR NC000 25% Glass Reinforced Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 570 NC000 20% Glass Fiber Filled Acetal Homopolymer 

Delrin 577 BK000 20% Glass Fiber Filled Acetal, Black 






 咨询电话: 13537069891

 固定电话; 0769-82932965

 公司传真; 0769-82932965

 公司网址; / 

 公司网站。 https://88tingting1353706989.cn.china.cn













7、本公司所售原料均为原厂原包装正牌料,***一切副牌料,不开封,无破损! 签订购销合同和质量***,长期合作!


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