耐高温POM CH-15日本宝理;阻燃 导电
抗疲劳POM CH-20日本宝理;耐高温 抗静电 导电
抗蠕变POM CP15X日本宝理;齿轮用料
抗冲击POM EB-08日本宝理;耐高温 导电 抗静电
高抗冲POM EB-10日本宝理;导电 抗静电
抗静电POM ES-5日本宝理;碳粉增强 导电
挤出级POM FP15X日本宝理;耐磨 高抗冲
耐磨级POM GB-25R日本宝理;尺寸稳定 低翘曲
耐水解抗腐蚀料 耐化学性聚甲醛 绝缘耐电弧POM 耐寒耐低温 改性POM塑料
高耐磨POM GB-25日本宝理;耐化学 高流动
耐高温POM GC-25日本宝理;高强度 注塑级
抗紫外线POM GH-10日本宝理;耐高温 高粘度 超韧性
高刚性POM GH-20日本宝理; 高耐热
The thermal decomposition of POM caused by high temperature of Huayun Plastics company heated the POM Resin at 250 °C, or left it in the plasticizing section for a long time (more than 30 minutes) , the formaldehyde gas and resin discoloration caused by the thermal decomposition of the resin occurred, so should avoid as far as possible, heat decomposition prevents countermeasure 1. The temperature of the molten resin should be below 230 °C. When not working for a long time, should clear the molten resin, stop switch 3. When stop working and stop burning, the plasticizing temperature should be adjusted to 165 °C. Resins and recycled materials should be protected from moisture and pollution