
聚丙烯熔喷专用料PP 山东道恩Y1500 95级 99级熔喷料

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聚丙烯熔喷专用料PP 山东道恩Y1500 95级 99级熔喷料

聚丙烯熔喷专用料PP 山东道恩Y1500 95级 99级熔喷料


针对聚丙烯在低温下的抗冲击性能差、耐候性不佳、表面装饰性差以及在电、磁、光、热、燃烧等方面的功能性与实际需要的差距,对聚丙烯加以改性,成为当前塑料加工发展最为活跃的,取得成果最为丰盛的领域。 [11] 


通过共聚改性、交联改性、接技改性、添加成核剂等使PP(聚丙烯)高分子组分与大分子结构或晶体构型发生改变而提高其机械性能、耐热性、耐老化性等性能,提升其综合性能、扩大其应用领域。 [12] 


共聚改性是采用茂金属等催化剂在丙烯单体合成阶段进行的改性。当单体聚合时,加入的烯烃类单体与之进行共聚,聚合得到无规共聚物、嵌段共聚物和交替共聚物等,均聚PP的机械性能、透明性和加工流动性都得以提升。茂金属催化剂形成的络合物是以不规则形状受到一定限制的过渡状态作为单一活性中心,达到***控制相对分子质量及其分布、共聚单体含量、主链上的分布和高聚物晶型结构。 [12] 

Huayun Plastic Company (2) graft modified PP (PP) resin molecules are non-polar crystalline linear structure, low surface activity, non-polar. There are some defects, such as poor surface printing, poor coating adhesion, difficult to blend with polar polymers, and difficult to be compatible with polar reinforced fibers and fillers. The grafting modification is to introduce polar groups into the macromolecular chain of PP to improve the blend, compatibility and adhesion of PP, and to overcome the disadvantages of difficult blending, compatibility and adhesion. Under the action of initiator, the grafting monomer reacts during melting and mixing, and the initiator decomposes to produce active free radical when heating and melting, when the active free radical meets unsaturated carboxylic acid monomer, 

the unstable bond of unsaturated carboxylic acid monomer was opened and reacted with active free radical of PP to form grafting free radical, which was terminated by chain transfer reaction. The common graft modification methods of PP include melting method, solution method, solid phase method, suspension method and so on. The hydrogen atom in the grafted PP molecular chain was substituted and showed strong polarity. These polar groups enhanced the compatibility, heat resistance and mechanical properties of PP. 12(3) cross-linking modification is mainly to modify the linear or dendritic polymer through the cross-linking method to become a network structure of the polymer. The mechanical properties, heat resistance and morphological stability of PP can be improved by cross-linking modification, and the molding period can be shortened. The main methods of cross-linking modification of polypropylene are chemical cross-linking modification and radiation cross-linking modification, which are different in the mechanism of cross-linking and the source of activity, radiation crosslinking modification is mainly realized by strong radiation or strong light. It is difficult to popularize this method because of the thickness requirement of radiation crosslinking modification on PP. At present, Silane grafting and cross-linking has been developed rapidly because it can produce excellent materials, and Silane grafting and cross-linking method can produce PP with high strength, good heat resistance, high melt strength, strong chemical stability and good corrosion resistance. 12

聚丙烯熔喷专用料PP 山东道恩Y1500 95级 99级熔喷料

聚丙烯熔喷专用料PP 山东道恩Y1500 95级 99级熔喷料

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