美国 CARDLOTT卡洛特泵阀集团高度重视中国市场的开发,提供全方面的技术支持,完善的服务”的发展理念,美国CARDLOTT致力于生产、设计研发高品质通用阀门和水泵及各种周边流体控制产品。主要生产制造的 进口阀门产品有 进口疏水阀、 进口减压阀、 进口球阀、 进口电磁阀、 进口安全阀、 进口闸阀、 进口截止阀、 进口蝶阀、 进口气动角座阀、 进口针型阀、 进口止回阀、调节阀、 进口过滤器。进口多级泵,进口计量泵,进口转子泵,进口高温泵,进口隔膜泵,进口卫生泵,进口离心泵,进口真空泵,进口屏蔽泵,进口管道泵,进口化工泵,进口排污泵,进口消防泵
The above is part of the product parameters, in order to technical personnel can be more accurate for your choice of quotation, please try to provide the correct product parameters such as flow, flue, use of media and operating conditions, so that our company to provide more accurate, more targeted services. If you have any questions. You can call us, we will do our best to provide you with you quality service!