
RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口冷凝水回收泵组 单泵组 双泵组 三泵组

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  • RETZ瑞茨品牌
上海 金山区 7天内发货 10000台
裕原流体控制(上海)有限公司 3年
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品牌:RETZ瑞茨/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……(MFP14-P)进口冷凝水回收泵组以蒸汽或压缩空气为动力,通常用于将冷凝水等液体提升到高位。在合适的情况下,可直接从真空或有压力的设备中排水。在与浮球蒸汽疏水阀连接使用下,可在各种情况下从有温度控制的热交换器中排除冷凝水 retz The imported condensate recovery pump set (MFP14-P) is powered by steam or compressed air and is usually used to lift liquids such as condensate to high levels. When appropriate, it can be directly drained from vacuum or pressurized equipment. When connected to a floating ball steam trap, condensate can be discharged from a temperature controlled heat exchanger under various conditions

进口冷凝水回收泵组功能原理 Functional principle

回收冷凝水 Recovered condensate

当冷凝水由疏水阀排出时,它含有蒸汽总热量中的20%的能量。回收这部分***值的资源,可节约When the condensate is discharged from the steam trap, it contains 20% of the total steam heat. Recycling this high value resource can save

◆ 热能一节约燃料 Heat energy - fuel saving

◆ 昂贵的化学水处理费 Expensive chemical water treatment fee

◆ 昂贵的给水费 Expensive water supply fee

◆ 减少锅炉排污 Reduce boiler blowdown

排除冷凝水 Drain condensate

从各种换热器和过程设备中排除冷凝水是***设备工作稳定,提高效率及延长寿命的重要条件 Removing condensate from various heat exchangers and process equipment is an important condition to ensure stable operation of equipment, improve efficiency and extend service life

***排除冷凝水可防止 Effective condensate drainage can prevent

◆ 温度控制不稳定 ◆ 水锤◆ 产品质量问题 ◆ 噪声◆ 加热面过度腐蚀 ◆ 设备损坏Unstable temperature control ◆ Water hammer ◆ Product quality problems ◆ Noise ◆ Excessive corrosion of heating surface ◆ Equipment damage

进口冷凝水回收泵组工作原理 working principle

1. 流体进入泵体前,浮球位于点,此时动力介质进口阀关闭,排气出口阀打开 Before the fluid enters the pump body, the floating ball is at the lowest point. At this time, the power medium inlet valve is closed and the exhaust outlet valve is opened

2. 当流体由重力从止回阀进入泵体时,浮球因浮力上升 When the fluid enters the pump body from the check valve by gravity, the floating ball rises due to buoyancy

3. 随着浮球不断上升,推杆推动弹簧,当浮球上升到一定位置,执行机构迅速动作,动力介质进口阀打开,同时排气阀关闭,此时弹簧储存的能量***了动作的准确和迅速 As the float rises, the push rod pushes the spring. When the float rises to a certain position, the actuator acts quickly, the power medium inlet valve opens, and the exhaust valve closes. At this time, the energy stored in the spring ensures the accurate and rapid action

4. 动力介质充入泵内,压力迅增,流体进口止回阀关闭,并迫使流体从出口止回阀迅速排出 When the power medium is filled into the pump, the pressure increases rapidly, the check valve at the fluid inlet is closed, and the fluid is forced to discharge rapidly from the check valve at the outlet

5. 随着泵体内流体液位下降,推杆拉动弹簧,执行机构立即动作,弹簧储存的能量打开排气阀,关闭动力介质进口阀 As the fluid level in the pump body drops, the push rod pulls the spring, and the actuator acts immediately. The energy stored in the spring opens the exhaust valve and closes the power medium inlet valve

6. 泵体内压力下降,流体重新通过进口止回阀进入泵体,下一次循环动作开始 The pressure in the pump body drops, the fluid enters the pump body again through the inlet check valve, and the next circulation action starts

进口冷凝水回收泵组特点 Characteristic

纯机械式回收泵,适用于回收高温液体及腐蚀性液体 Pure mechanical recovery pump, suitable for recovering high-temperature liquid and corrosive liquid

无需电力,无任何旋转部件,不会产生汽蚀损坏  No power, no rotating parts, no cavitation damage

高强度整体执行机构组件设计,不易变形,可承受更高的动力蒸汽压力和温度  High strength integral actuator component design, not easy to deform, can withstand higher power steam pressure and temperature

进汽阀和排汽阀组件经硬化处理和精密研磨,不漏汽更耐磨 The steam inlet valve and exhaust valve components are hardened and precisely grinded without steam leakage and are more wear-resistant

弹簧组件采用耐高温合金不锈钢X-750,耐高温,耐疲劳  The spring assembly is made of heat-resistant alloy stainless steel X-750, which is heat-resistant and fatigue resistant

泵体采用球墨铸铁一次铸造成型,韧性好,耐腐蚀优化结构设计,全自动运行,可靠性佳,免维护  The pump body is made of nodular cast iron by one-time casting, with good toughness, corrosion resistance and optimized structural design, fully automatic operation, good reliability and maintenance free

典型应用 Typical Applications

大气压下排除和回收冷凝水 Condensate removal and recovery at atmospheric pressure

◆ 各种温度控制设备的冷凝水回收◆ 泵送高温冷凝水至锅炉房水箱◆ HVAC 系统◆ 医院、宾馆和大楼建筑等◆ 一般工业应用◆ 石油化工业的大流量冷凝水回收

◆ Condensate recovery of various temperature control equipment ◆ Pumping high-temperature condensate to boiler room water tank ◆ HVAC system ◆ Hospitals, hotels and buildings, etc. ◆ General industrial applications ◆ Large flow condensate recovery in petrochemical industry

从多组换热器中回收冷凝水MFP14 组合泵可用于从多个换热器(或其它工艺设备)中回收冷凝水,无汽浊现象或机械密封问题 Recovering condensate from multiple heat exchangers MFP14 combined pump can be used to recover condensate from multiple heat exchangers (or other process equipment) without steam turbidity or mechanical seal problems

◆ 辅助开式闪蒸蒸汽回收器,减少、消除“小白龙”现象 Auxiliary open flash steam recoverers reduce and eliminate the "little white dragon" phenomenon

技术参数 Technical parameter

适用介质:100℃以上高温液体及腐蚀性液体  Applicable medium: high temperature liquid above 100 ℃ and corrosive liquid

适用介质密度:0.9~1 Applicable medium density: 0.9~1

动力介质类型:蒸汽、压缩空气及其它工业气体 Type of power medium: steam, compressed air and other industrial gases

可承受动力介质压力:Max 12 Barg  Withstand power medium pressure: Max 12 Barg

温度范围:350℃ Maximum temperature range: 350 ℃

单泵泵组排量 6000kg/h, 双泵泵组排量 12000kg/h,三泵泵组排量 18000kg/h The maximum displacement of single pump unit is 6000kg/h, the maximum displacement of double pump unit is 12000kg/h, and the maximum displacement of three pump unit is 18000kg/h

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