
日本BlueVision波长可调式光源 BVM1020D

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山东 青岛 不限 5台
青岛澳海源国际贸易有限公司 1年
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The variable wavelength lighting is a new type of lighting which uses the halogen light as the main light source and illuminates the light with a selected specific wavelength. It employs LVF (Linear Variable Filter) to select a wavelength. The LVF is a filter which the relations of the mechanical position of the filter and the wavelength are linearly varied, and can select the wavelength in accordance with the position of the projected light. The spectroscopic imaging makes it possible to inspect foreign materials, scratches or internal conditions of various objects by measuring reactions of the light from materials, that is reflecting, transmitting or absorbing light at an arbitrary wavelength. BVM1020D selects from SWIR. As these new models can be controlled from PC, wavelength is displayed on a PC screen, and you can move the LVF gradually and automatically to the specific wavelength. The combination of the BVM1020D and the BlueVision SWIR camera or visible light camera can make efficient and effective system. (Patent No. 6568041)

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