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435 010 尺寸40×70mm,容纳样品量约9ml
435 011 

435 011A 尺寸80×100mm,容纳样品量约6×5.4ml

435 011B尺寸80×100mm,容纳样品量约12×2.5ml

435 011C尺寸80×100mm,容纳样品量约30×0.8ml
435 012 

435 015  Kolkwitz浮游植物计数框
              包含带计数网格的盖片,网格大小 1×1mm,尺寸 33×33mm,


435 016  Kolkwitz



435 021 
容量 5ml
435 022 
435 023 
435 025 



435 028  盖玻片,适用于管状浮游植物计数框和组合式浮游植物计数框,
直径33mm,厚度2mm 50/

435 035  底玻片,适用于管状浮游植物计数框和组合式浮游植物计数框,



435 090 容量0.1ml

435 091 容量0.25ml

435 092 容量0.5ml

435 093 容量1.0ml

435 094 容量2.5ml

435 095 容量5.0ml

435 098 备用稀释瓶,250mlDuran玻璃制,10/
435 100  








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17.Géraldine Sarthou, Dorothée Vincent, Urania Christaki, Ingrid Obernosterer, Klaas R. Timmermans, Corina P.D. Brussaard,2008.The fate of biogenic iron during a phytoplankton bloom induced by natural fertilisation: Impact of copepod grazing.Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography.55(5–7):734–751.

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21.Germán A. Kopprio, Gerhard Kattner, Martin Graeve, R. Hugo Freije, Rubén J. Lara,2012.Exceptional lipid storage mode of the copepod Boeckella poopoensis in a pampean salt lake, Argentina.Aquatic Biology.15:275-281.

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23.Daniel Remias, Andreas Holzinger, Siegfried Aigner, Cornelius Lütz,2012.Ecophysiology and ultrastructure of Ancylonema nordenskiöldii (Zygnematales, Streptophyta), causing brown ice on glaciers in Svalbard (high arctic).Polar Biology.35(6):899-908.

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