UWB-band RF Front-End Module, 6 -9 GHz
The CB9328 is a Front-End Module (FEM) with a fuly-integrated Power Amplifier (PA),Low-Noise-Amplifer (LNA).TheCB9328 requires no extemal matching component, reduces assembly complexity and the PCB area, enabling a cost-effectivesolution. The CB9328 achieves high transmitting power, igh transmitreceive switching loss.CB9328 is an excellent choicefor UWB FEM as it improves sensitivity with low noise figure and better distance with high output power, meanwhile it reducesthe overall cost of the UwB transceiver.
Fully-Integrated PA/LNA
TX output Saturated Power=+20 dBm@7GHzTX Power Gain
23 dB@6.5GHz20 dB@8.5GHz18 dB@9GHzRX Power Gain12 dB@6.5GHz15 dB@8.5GHz15 dB@9GHzRX Noise Figure2.0dB@6.5GHz2.1dB@8.5GHz2.4dB@9GHzRX Filter Rejection
>36dBc Rejection @DC~2.4GHz bands;>18dBc Rejection @2.4~4.8GHz bands;
QFN-16L package:3mmX3mmX0.55mm.