KBT13P152 含税 不干胶标签 开关头保护板 符合IEC 947-5-1 D22的前面板安装 M95R-94B-TMLACV-C7
DRUCKTASTER WK...C2011/SCHLIESSER 带电缆入口 两个LED指示灯,红色和绿色 1至8个操作方向,4个开关元件。保持开关,弹簧复位开关或组合 AXC60*20
DRUCKTASTER WK/KC/WECHSLER O.VERR. 统一码 调节头正确安装 每个操作方向均带有一个带接片连接器的转换触点2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 200004240-019
中心位置开关 200004240-004
35POL/METALLAUSFUEHRUNG-075272 110260 83247 KES1234VZ
WKT13WVZ MGB-L0C-ARA-L-110260 TZ1RE024M-C1623 41194 AC servo motor controller 2HP 3 230V 50/60HZ "BALDOR" BSC1110
TZ1RE024BHAVAB-C1781 互锁模块MGB-L0H-ARA ...,带3个按钮,2个指示灯,紧急停止功能,包括 标签载体,RC26 安全开关TZ,无机械释放 KES1234VZ Socket welding instrument valve DN10 ф14x3 pressure 42MPa temperature 649 °C valve body 316SS valve core stellite alloy
TZ1LE024BHAVAB-C1781 锁定(无门锁) 无辅助释放 系列KE ... Socket welding instrument valve DN10 ф16x3 pressure 42MPa temperature 649 °C valve body 316SS valve core stellite alloy
KCB1C4C1C1C0000W 可以与其他AR设备(例如CES-AR和CET-AR)串联连接 开关头保护板 符合IEC 947-5-1 D22的前面板安装 D4NL-2FFA-B
KCB2K2K2K2K0000V0W 带有控制模块MGB-C 两个LED指示灯,红色和绿色 1至8个操作方向,4个开关元件。保持开关,弹簧复位开关或组合 CONFORT HANDLE RAL 7035 FOR PN-UC-Z-5412001;8611020
HBL-075354 紧急停止,符合*** 13850 调节头正确安装 每个操作方向均带有一个带接片连接器的转换触点2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 SECURITY LOCK INSERT N3524E FOR PN-UC-Z-5412001;8611.180
KCB4E4E4E4E5678DV0WZ 3个按钮(发光,wh,wh,bu) TZ1RE024M-C1684
中心位置开关 "1. Detection item: This machine is an LCD display. It only needs to connect PH electrode and ORP (RH) electrode to display PH value (PH), ORP redox value (MV) and calculate residual chlorine value (mg/). l, ppm) A total of three water quality parameters.
2. Measurement range: PH: measuring range 0.00~14.00pH, (can calculate the operating range of 6.80~8.00pH), ORP: measuring range 0~1000mv, (calculated operating range 500~800mv) residual chlorine value: 0.00~2.50mg /l,ppm
3. Integration of three parameters (pH + oxidation-reduction potential + residual chlorine) measured in a single body water quality measuring instrument, LCD display can simultaneously display three measured parameter values (PH + OPR + CL2)
4, standard two sets (PH + CL) on / off and proportional control output, can directly control the metering pump dosing.
5. Standard RS485 communication interface
6. The residual chlorine electrode is equipped with a water flow safety switch. When the circulating water main equipment fails, it can prevent the dosing system from abnormally adding drugs.
7. Electrode sampling cup built-in filter element can protect the probe of PH electrode and effectively extend the service life of the electrode."
WKT8/4DWRC1784 2个指示灯(亮,gn,rd) 83171 KES13
WKT1234WC1785 含税 不干胶标签 TZ1RE024M-C1684 33463 RXM4AB2BD DC24V
SPIRALLEITUNG 23 ADRIG 3,5M 带有插头RC26 TZ安全开关,带按钮的逃生释放 KES13 140CRA31908
SPIRALLEITUNG KPL 17AD 3,5M-075384 统一码 辅助释放在前面 系列KE ... 1FK7083-***H71-1FH0
LEITUNG KPL 17AD 10M-075385 MGB-L0C-ARA-R-110259
带按钮的后部逃生释放 符合IEC 947-5-1 D22的前面板安装 010-050-01700
SCHLUESSEL FUER SCHLOSSTASTER 1D21 110259 两个LED指示灯,红色和绿色 1至8个操作方向,4个开关元件。保持开关,弹簧复位开关或组合 10018662, 4-300-3-9 v2
KCB2B2B2B2B5678DRW MGB-L0C-ARA-R-110259 调节头正确安装 每个操作方向均带有一个带接片连接器的转换触点2.8 x 0.5 IEC 760 HB-11-04751,100116162
ES502AERGC1780 互锁模块MGB-L0H-ARA ...,带3个按钮,2个指示灯,紧急停止功能,包括 标签载体,RC26 TZ1RE024M-C1815
中心位置开关 RELE,RT424529,SCHARCK,24VAC,8A/250VAC