
紫外线探伤灯 UL-365型(手电筒型) UL-365

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深圳华清仪器仪表有限公司 9年
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紫外线探伤灯 UL-365型(手电筒型) UL-365

紫外线探伤灯 UL-365型(手电筒型)

Apply to fluorescence penetrant testing, fluorescence magnetic powder detection, air conditioning refrigerants leakage detection, engine oil leakage detection, criminal detective and so on many kinds of fields. UL-365 using lithium batteries, metal ultraviolet light bulb high-pressure discharge and unique high pressure flip-flops, UL-365 uv lamp in 38 cm detection ultraviolet intensity of 8000 uw/cm2. Quick start to open 15 seconds after uv lamp that is achieving the highest intensity, can begin to use, meet the national standard penetration test JB4730.5-2004,
型 号model:UL-365 Type
输出功率Output power:28W dual power
工作时间Working time:50minutes/28W (2200mAH battery)
电池Battery: 11V /2200mAH
灯头直径Thedia.Of ligh head:71mm
简身直径Thediaof body:50mm
重量Weight :700g(with 2200mAHbattery)
工作温度Working temperature:0℃-50℃
颜色Color :黑色Black,silve
电池寿命Life of battery:≥500times recharge
灯泡寿命Life of lamp bulb:≥3000times recharge
紫外线强度Ultraviolet intensity:8000μw/cm2(在38cm处)
三、产品安全功能/Product safety function:
A. 开路保护功能;启动灯,当输出发生开路异状态时,能在1秒内停止工作,进入保护状态。
D. 电池短路保护;当电池正负极发生短路时,电池保护板将立即断电,并进入保护状态。
A. Circuit opening protection function; starting up light, when output oocur abnormal state of circuit opening,it can stop working in 1 second and get into protection state.
B. Short circuit protection function;starting up light,when output oocur abnormal state of short circuit,it can stop working in 1 second and get into prctecting state.
C. Battery recharegd protection;It is totally automatic protection in which charge/discharge be reached appointed voltaeg.
D. Battery short ciralit protection;when battery short circuit between anode and cathode.battery protection board will cut immediately and get into prctecting state.
四、使用方法/Uing instruction:
A. 按一下开关,电筒打开、再按一下开关电筒关闭;
A. Press the switch, UV-lamp open, click on the switch UV-lamp shut;
B.Adjust light shadow:swivel the UV-lamp head can adjust the focus to best condition.
C.Charge:Swivel off the UV-lamp end and take out the battery covering with protection shell,appearing Dc changer,and plug the charger(red light shows under charging,Green light shows charging full.)When full charged,the green light on.the chargetime is approximate 6 hours.
A.Only can use the appointed charger,charging environment temperature is 0-45℃,humidity is 65±25%
B. Please don’t use damaged or other brand charger to charge.
C. Charging time is 4-6hrs,please don’t charge exceed 24hrs continuously.Please per-charge before using.
Please store it in low temperature,dry and ventilated environment.
Please deal with waste battery according to the local rule.
5、电池充电使用指导/ The battery use guidance
A. 充电电流:不能高于4000mA;
B. 充电电压:不能高于12.8V;
C. 充电环境温度:必须在0℃-40℃的温度范围内进行充电;
A. Charge current:≤4000mA
B. Charge voltage: ≤12.8V
C. Charge environmenttemperature: 0℃-40℃
6、放电环境温度/Discharge environment temperatute:
Discharge environment temperature:-200℃-60℃
A. 不要使用D型电池或其它电池代替原有电池,(为了避免危险和功能影响);
D. 长时间亮灯后,不要用手触摸玻璃,以免***手;
E. 不要自行拆开或企图自修复紫外线探伤灯,未经授权的开盖或修复,不在保修之内;
F. 为了避免污染,请依据当地法规处理废旧电池;
G. 不要将电池置于火中;
H. HID作为高压产品(启动瞬间电压达23KV),如果出现不正常情况,请马上将产品退回修理,千万不自修复,以免受到伤害。
I. 电池不要和金属、或导电物品混合混置,严禁短路。
A. Don’t use other battery instead of orininal one.(In order to avoid danger and affect the function)
B.Don’t uec Ctype battery or other battery instead of original one.(In order to avoid danger and affect the function)
C.Please avoid impacting and falling.
D. After long time lightining,please does not UV-lamp the glass in order to avoid scald your hands.
E. Don’t disassemble or repair UV-lamp by oneself,if open the cover or repair without authotized,it will not be under warranty.
F. In order to avoid pollution,please deal with waste battery according to local rule.
G. Don’t thr ow the battery into fire.
H. HID is a high voltage product.(starying temporary voltage approach 23KV)If it appears some abnor mal conditions,please return to us for repair right away.Inorder to avoid harm oneself,don’t repait itperson ally.
I. Iatis forbidden to short the circuit,piease prt the battery with metal or con drctor together.
主机 1台
电池 1个
充电器 1只
车载充电器 1只
擦镜布 1块
说明书 1份
铝合金箱 1只
装箱单 1份
产品保修卡 1份

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