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美国PE珀金埃尔默石英中心管N0782007耗材,用于Optima 8x00的ESI FAST中心管、蓝宝石中心管,石英中心管货号N0782007、N0782008、N0782009、N0782010。美国PE原子发射光谱仪配件耗材ICP




英文名称:Quartz Injector 1 mm ID Optima 8x00 

货  号:N0782007

品  牌:PerkinElmer、珀金.埃尔默、美国PE



N0782004 Sapphire Injector 1.5 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782005 Sapphire Injector 1.8 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782006 Sapphire Injector 1.8mm ID 8x00 w/7x Adp ICP

N0782007 Quartz Injector 1 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782008 Quartz Injector 1.5 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782009 Quartz Injector 2 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782010 Quartz Injector 2.5 mm ID Optima 8x00 ICP

N0782020 PEEK Black Threaded Adapter ICP

N0782030 PFA Tee for hydrideFAST ICP

N0782037 0.3mm ID Carbon Probe, 108", Black Band ICP

N0782038 0.5mm ID Carbon Probe, 108", Blue Band ICP

N0782039 0.8mm ID Carbon Probe, 108", Red Band ICP

N0782040 0.9mm ID Carbon Probe, 70", Yellow Band ICP

N0782043 Drain Tubing Tygon, Aqueous ICP

N0782044 Drain Tubing Tygon Fuel and Lube, Oils ICP

N0782045 Drain Tubing Superthane, Oils ICP

N0782046 Tubing 2x2mm ID Tan, PharMed, Black ICP

N0782047 Tubing 2x3mm ID Tan, PharMed, Red ICP

N0782048 Tubing 3x3mm ID Tan, PharMed, White ICP

N0782049 Tubing 2x2mm ID Clear, Tygon, Black ICP

N0782050 Tubing 2x3mm ID Clear, Tygon, Red ICP

N0782051 Tubing 3x3mm ID Clear, Tygon, White ICP

N0782052 Tubing 2x2mm ID Yellow, Tygon, Black ICP

N0782053 Tubing 2x3mm ID Yellow, Tygon, Red ICP

N0782054 Tubing 3x3mm ID Yellow, Tygon, White ICP

N0782055 Tubing 2x2mm ID Black, Viton, Black ICP

N0782056 Tubing 2x3mm ID Black, Viton, Red ICP

N0782057 Tubing 3x3mm ID Black, Viton, White ICP

N0786021 Platinum Injector 2.0 mm Optima 8x00 ICP

N0786022 Sapphire Injector 2.5 mm Optima 8x00 ICP

N0786024 Internal Standard Add Kit Meinhard Nebs ICP

N0786025 prep3 Sample Probe, Carbon Fiber P1 ICP

N0786026 prep3 Internal Std Probe Carbon Fiber P3 ICP

N0786027 prep 3 Dilution Probe, Carbon Fiber P2 ICP

N0786028 prep3 Sample/IS/Diluent Tee, PFA ICP

N0786029 prep3 FAST Tee and Line Kit ICP

N0786030 Barbed Fittings Perilink Female g. 5 ICP

N0786031 Internal Standard/Diluent Station prep3 ICP

N0786032 prep3 Blk-Blk Flared Tubing 0.76mm g12 ICP

N0786033 prep3 Org-Grn Flared Tubing 0.38mm g12 ICP

N0786034 prep3 Spray Chamber Drain Line ICP

N0786036 Barbed Fittings Perilink Male g. 5 ICP

N0786037 Sample probe 150 cm capillary, 0.5mm ID ICP

N0786038 Meinhard Plus Nebulizer Connector 0.5mm ICP

N0786039 prep 3 Grey-Grey Tubing 1.30mm g.12 ICP

N0786043 Reset Probe Weight Kit ICP

N0786044 SC-DX Rinse Drain Line ICP

N0786045 Gas Fitting for Optima ICP

N0786046 Teflon Gas Line for MicroFlow Nebulizer ICP

N0786047 FAST Vacuum Line ICP

N0786049 Corner Elbow Fitting for prep3 Tees ICP

N0786050 Long Ferrule for prep3 Lines ICP

N0786051 Nut for Long Ferrules ICP

N0786052 Threaded Cup for Micro Fittings ICP

N0786053 prep3 Probe Extension ICP

N0788003 Syngistix ICP Document Pack CD V.2.0 ICP

N0790131 Quartz Torch 1-Slot Avio 200 ICP

N0790138 Torch Cassette Complete Avio 200 ICP

N0790141 Injector Adapter Kit-Cyclonic w/O-Rings ICP

N0790143 Cyclonic Concentric Injector Adapter ICP

N0790156 Injector Adapter Scott/Cross-Flow II ICP

N0790196 Axial Flat Mirror Kit for Avio ICP


公司主营:美国PE、戴安DIONEX离子色谱耗材,PE元素灯/PE石墨管/PE氘灯/PE钨灯/PE 基体改进剂/PE 样品杯/PE GCMS灯丝/PE ICP火炬/PE 氧化铝注入管/PE 雾化器大量现货!美国Perkinelmer(珀金埃尔默)耗材常备现货:元素灯、石墨管、样瓶杯、取样毛细管、进样针、雾化器、矩管、中心管、泵管、顶空瓶、隔垫、瓶盖、色谱瓶、热脱附管、干燥剂、钨灯、氘灯、铝制样品盘等。

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