自1925年以来,koehler一直致力于为研究和测试实验室提供高质量的测试仪器和技术支持服务。满足您客户的测试需求是koehler业务的主要重点, koehler仪器公司是石油、合成燃料和石化仪器生产商和供应商。
Automated Air Release Value Analyzer
Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester
Automatic Cloud and Pour Point Analyzer
Automatic Density Meter
Automatic Heated Oil Test Centrifuge
Automatic Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Flash Point Tester
Automatic Volumetric Karl-Fischer Titrator
Benchtop Four Ball Wear and EP Tester
Combination Octane Rating Unit Engine
Copper Strip Corrosion - Pressure Vessel Bath
Copper Strip Corrosion from Lubricating Grease
Digital Penetrometer
Enhanced Portable Fuel Analyzer
Existent Gum Evaporation Bath
High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)
Kinematic Viscosity Bath
LPG Copper Strip Corrosion Test Apparatus
Oxidation Stability Apparatus, 8-Place and 12-Place Bath
Oxidation Stability Bath for Mineral Insulating Oils
Oxidation Stability Test Apparatus for Gasoline and Aviation Fuels
Oxidation Stability Test Apparatus for Lubricating Greases
Penetrometer Cones and Accessories
Precision Series Liquid Immersion Equipment