正有质量问题和安全隐患的文具用品为何仍有市场且大行其道?记者调查发现,监管力度不够、消费需求量大、缺少硬性标准是其中的主要原因。缺少硬性标准,商家选择性"失明"。质检院日用消费品检测中心工程师、质量技术监督纸张印刷产品质量检验站等业内人士表示,一般国内文具参考的国内标准是"GB 21027-2007的《学生用品的安全通用要求》,其中给出了铅、汞、砷等8种重金属元素的。
Why are stationery products with quality problems and safety hazards still in the market and popular? The reporter found that insufficient supervision, large consumer demand, and lack of rigid standards are the main reasons. Lack of rigid standards, merchants selectively "blind". Industry insiders such as the senior engineer of the Daily Consumer Goods Testing Center of the Quality Inspection Institute and the Quality and Technical Supervision Paper Printing Product Quality Inspection Station said that the general domestic standard for domestic stationery reference is "GB 21027-2007 "General Requirements for the Safety of Student Supplies", which gives 8 kinds of heavy metal elements such as lead, mercury and arsenic were produced.
Name: Packed Column
Model: Polymer Porous Microsphere Packed Column
Specifications: 1m*3.2mm, 177-250um
Operating temperature: 270°C
Application: GB21027-2020 General Requirements for Safety of Student Supplies