
易安居草堂中西合璧民间艺术作品书法革命The calligraphy revolution

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Chinese and Western folk art "Calligraphy Revolution" international exchange and appreciation

易安居草堂是西洋书法艺术的开启和创造者,用中国书法的土壤和根苗去培育和嫁接西洋书法艺术。作品有“笔墨势韵变有度,浑醇雅逸气无常”的韵味,且布局新颖,构思巧妙。汉字笔划浑厚圆润,张驰有度;英文俊秀清雅,缥缈灵动。中西合璧,日月同辉。 Yi Anju Cottage is the opening and creator of Western calligraphy art, using the soil and root seedlings of Chinese calligraphy to cultivate and graft the art of Western calligraphy. The work has the charm of " The trend of brush and ink change with motif,Rich and pure,elegant and beautiful constantly changing ", and the layout is novel and ingenious. Chinese strokes are rich and round, generous; English is elegant, ethereal and clever. Chinese and Western combination, shine forever like the sun and the moon. 

这是开启和创造中西书法艺术的作品之一。《书法革命》是独特的书法艺术作品,它是星星之火,可以燎原。This is one of the works of the invention and creation of Chinese and Western calligraphy art.“The calligraphy revolution”is the unique works of calligraphy art,The calligraphy revolution began from a little spark ,It may burst a mighty flame. 

易安居草堂艺术道路是一条永无休止的书法变革之路,将传统书法艺术嫁接并融合西方文化,用传统艺术的笔墨、章法、布局、境界、意韵去统合西方艺术的现代文明与审美趣味,蕴含着对文化多样性的热爱,传达出书法艺术独特魅力和积极力量,蕴含并表现国际视野下的人文关怀及人类命运的共同意识。Cottage H.L.E art road is an endless calligraphy change, traditional calligraphy art grafting and integration of western culture, with traditional art ink, composition, layout, state, rhyme to integrate western art of modern civilization and aesthetic taste, contains the love of cultural diversity, convey the calligraphy art unique charm and positive force, contains and performance under the international vision of the ultimate humanistic care and the common consciousness of human destiny.

文字是人类共通的情感表达方式,书法艺术是东方文化的瑰宝,也是人类文明的宝贵财富。中西合璧书法艺术以国际交流为桥梁,以国际展览为纽带,让各国人民在彼此间找准文化交汇点、艺术共同点和情感共鸣点,让全球文化艺术事业再续新篇章。Writing is a common way of emotional expression for human beings, and calligraphy art is the treasure of Oriental culture and the precious wealth of human civilization. With international exchanges as a bridge and international exhibitions as a link, the Chinese and Western calligraphy art of all countries can find the cultural intersection point, artistic common point and emotional resonance between each other, so that the global cultural and artistic cause will continue a new chapter.

作者倡导着一场浩荡的书法艺术革命,让传统书法走出汉字的束缚,用传统的书法理论写出漂亮的汉字和多种文字,创作出能让更多人欣赏的书法作品。经过30年的探索和实践,作者的中英文书法作品受到美国、加拿大、韩国等国外众多艺术爱好者的喜爱,让中国书法在当代国际文化交流中走出了***,让更多的世界友人看懂了中国书法。The author advocates a great revolution in the art of calligraphy, let the traditional calligraphy out of the shackles of Chinese characters, using traditional calligraphy theories to write beautiful Chinese characters and a variety of characters, and create calligraphy works that can be appreciated by more people. After 30 years of exploration and practice, the author's Chinese and English calligraphy works are loved by many foreign art lovers in the United States, Canada, South Korea and other countries, making Chinese calligraphy go out of the contemporary international cultural exchange, and making more friends around the world understand Chinese calligraphy.

文贯古今,艺通中外。易安居草堂竭力塑造大众化、人民化的中外文化艺术交流中心,始终***执行《书法艺术革命宣言》:“***创作只有外星人才懂得欣赏艺术作品,拒绝书写让人用哥德巴赫猜想去观赏的作品,绝不写大众不认识的字体。”让不同肤色、不同语言、不同文化的人民都懂得欣赏书法艺术的***与灵魂。Knowledge through the ancient and modern times, art through the Chinese and foreign.Cottage H.L.E tries to create a popular and popular Chinese-foreign cultural and art exchange center, and always implements the "Declaration of Calligraphy Art Revolution": " Stop the creation that only aliens can appreciate art works, refuse to write works that people use Goldbach's guess, and never write fonts that the public do not know.”Let the people of different skin colors, different languages and different cultures know how to appreciate the charm and soul of calligraphy art.

这幅作品已被应用于公共文化栏宣传,即有开放参观欣赏的作用,又有一定的公众教育意义。适用于公园、广场、图书馆等各种公共场所装饰,设计和应用到实景中赢得了人民的赞赏。This work has been applied to the public culture column publicity, which has the role of open visit and appreciation, and has a certain public education significance. Suitable for parks, squares, libraries and other public places decoration, design and application to the real scene has won the appreciation of the people.

据《卫报》报道,中西书法艺术蕴藏着深厚的文化气息和巨大的精神力量,促进了全球艺术事业的发展和繁荣,促使了各种语言的书法艺术诞生和成长。在国际文化艺术交流中,经过很多西方媒体聚焦并连续报道中英文书法艺术发展现状,得到了全球数百家主流媒体上线和转载,书法艺术正在地球上各种不同的语言土壤中播种、发芽、茁壮成长。According to the Guardian, Chinese and Western calligraphy art contains a profound cultural atmosphere and great spiritual power, which promotes the development and prosperity of the global art industry, and promotes the birth and growth of calligraphy art in various languages.In the international cultural and artistic exchanges, many Western media have focused on and continuously reported the development status of Chinese and English calligraphy art, and has been online and reprinted by hundreds of mainstream media around the world. Calligraphy art is sowing, sprouting and growing in various different languages on the earth.

这幅作品原著在国际交流与展览中被收藏,本书法艺术作品经世界艺术联合总会理事会评审通过,列为联合会收藏。The original work is collected in international exchanges and exhibitions,This calligraphy art work has been approved by the council of the World Art Union Council and is listed as the permanent collection of the association.

这幅作品在现代民间艺术国际评审和认证中,经过中外文化艺术交流协会的严格评审和鉴定。作者通过了“国际润格官认证中心”评审标准,获得了国际润格资质认证。This work is included in the international review and certification of modern folk art,After the strict evaluation and appraisal of the Chinese and foreign cultural and art exchange association. The author has passed the evaluation standard of "International Runge Official Certification Center" and obtained the international Runge qualification certification.

中西书法艺术是东方古老文化的艺术繁衍,也是西方现代文明的艺术新潮。始终***亲民化、近民化的艺术创作思想,坚持从群众中来,到人民中去。所以这些作品原著非常便宜,可以从作者那里得到,曾经在公开市场出现过,也是苏富比和佳士得公司拍锤下罕见便宜的艺术。它将伴随在人类生活的身边,是普通民众都能欣赏并拥有的书法艺术。The art of Chinese and Western calligraphy is the artistic reproduction of the ancient eastern culture, and also the new artistic trend of the modern western civilization.Always carry out the artistic creation thought of being together with the people, adhere to from the masses, Back to the people.So the original work is very cheap, available from the author, once appeared in the auction market, and is the cheapest art ever auctioned by Sotheby's and Christie's.It will accompany in the human life around, is the ordinary people can enjoy and have the calligraphy art.

有文字就应该有书法艺术。易安居草堂向人们呐喊和呼唤!并在全球范围内寻求和招募区域经纪人和合作伙伴,共同将传统书法艺术嫁接到各种语言的文化体系,共同推动这一场浩荡地书法艺术变革,共同开启和创造一个时代艺术传奇。任何一个人都可以参与进来,成为这场书法艺术变革的使者、学者、***者、推动者、贡献者或旁观者,迎来全球性书法艺术的春天。As long as there are words, there should be the calligraphy art. Cottage H.L.E thatched cottage shouts and calls to the people of the world! And seek out and recruit regional brokers and partners worldwide,We will jointly graft the Chinese calligraphy art to the cultural system of all countries in the world, jointly promote this vast calligraphy art revolution, and jointly open and create an art legend of The Times. Anyone can participate in this calligraphy art and become the messenger, scholar, pioneer, promoter, contributor or bystander of this calligraphy art revolution, ushering in the global spring of the calligraphy art.

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